首页> 中文期刊> 《中国抗生素杂志》 >Ⅲ型分泌系统及其抑制剂的研究进展




细菌分泌系统的发现是近年来细菌致病机制研究的重点.致病菌为在宿主体内生存、繁殖、扩散,会分泌一些蛋白性质的毒性因子.目前认为革兰阴性致病菌在长期进化过程中形成入侵宿主细胞的特异性分泌系统共有5种类型(Ⅰ~Ⅴ型),其中最显著的是细菌Ⅲ型分泌系统(type three secretion system,T3SS),与细菌致病性密切相关.T3SS抑制剂的策略是细菌分泌毒力蛋白,阻止其对宿主细胞的侵染.本文对细菌T3SS的组成、T3SS抑制剂筛选系统、T3SS抑制剂以及作用机制等进行综述,为深入研究以T3SS为靶点的药物设计提供参考.%Discovery of bacterial secretion systems are the focus of recent studies of bacterial pathogenesis.In order to survive,reproduce,and diffuse in the host,pathogenic bacteria secreted some virulence factors.Five specific types of secretion systems (Ⅰ~Ⅴ type) are included in Gram-negative bacteria in long evolutionary process.The most notable one is the bacterial type Ⅲ secretion system (T3SS),because it is closely related to pathogenicity.The strategy of T3SS inhibitors is to prevent the bacterium from injecting effector proteins into the host,and causing a change in the pathophysiology of the host cells.This review gives an overview of recent findings on the composition of T3SS,the inhibitor screening system,the inhibitors and their action mechanisms.A better understanding of T3SS should aid the mechanism-based drug design.



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