首页> 中文期刊>解剖学杂志 >锁骨的数字三维可视化重建及解剖学测量




Objective: To establish three-dimensional visualization model of clavicle and provide anatomic indexes for diagnosis and treatment of related diseases of clavicle. Methods:Adult normal clavicle specimens were selected. Continuous CT scanning was used at a thickness of 0. 625 mm and a row spacing of 0. All images were saved by Dicom format Mimics software was used to read all images, reconstruct 3-D model, and measure the anatomic indexes about full length, surface area, volume, 2 angles and 4 diameters of 3-D model of clavicle. Results: The 3-D models of the clavicle was observed and measured from many angles and levels, and the related anatomical data were measured accurately. There were significant differences among anteroposterior diameter and vertical diameter at lateral side and the junction of middle 1/3 and lateral 1/3. There was no significant difference among anteroposterior diameter and vertical diameter at the junction of middle 1/3, medial 1/3 and medial side. Conclusion: The clavicular anatomic indexes measured by three-dimensional reconstruction can provide references for the design of internal fixation and the formulation of operation approach of clavicular fractures.%目的:建立锁骨数字化三维可视模型,测量相关解剖数据,为锁骨相关疾病的诊治提供解剖学依据.方法:正常成人锁骨标本20个,左侧10个,右侧10个,进行层厚0.625 mm、间距为0的CT连续扫描,所得图片以Dicom格式刻盘保存,导入Mimics软件进行三维重建,并利用Mimics软件的三维测量功能测量锁骨全长,表面积,体积,内外凸出角度,外侧端、中外1/3交界处、中内1/3交界处和内侧端的前后径和上下径.结果:重建的锁骨三维模型能从多角度、多层面进行观察与测量,准确地测得了相关解剖学数据,锁骨外侧端、中外1/3交界处的前后径和上下径比较有显著性差异,中内1/3交界处和内侧端的前后径和上下径比较无显著性差异.结论:本研究获取的锁骨解剖学数据对锁骨手术器械的设计、手术方案的制定有一定的参考价值.



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