首页> 中文期刊> 《中国药房》 >临床药学本科实习生带教中新案例教学法的实践与探索




目的:为提高临床药学本科实习生(以下简称“实习生”)的实习效果提供参考。方法:以从参考书、带教老师结合日常工作设计、历届培训学员收集总结、数据库检索等途径获得的案例中选择具有代表性的案例,以案例联合问题导入(PBL)的方式进行教学;并在课程结束后采用三重评价的方式进行教学评价。结果与结论:实习生普遍接受该教学方法,且实习成绩均合格。以多途径遴选案例,以案例联合PBL的新案例教学法,规避了传统案例教学法的案例来源渠道窄、内容单一、学生学习兴趣低、参与感不强的弊端,充分调动了实习生的主观能动性,加快了实习生临床思维能力的培养,且该教学法也有利于促进带教老师从“被动教学”到“主动教学”的转变,不断提高带教老师的带教意识、带教水平。%OBJECTIVE:To provide reference for improving the effect of clinical pharmacy undergraduate interns(hereinafter referred to interns). METHODS:Representative cases were selected from the reference books,teaching design,summary of past interns and database retrieve,problem-based learning(PBL)was used for teaching;teaching evaluation was performed by the tri-ple evaluation in the end of class. RESULTS&CONCLUSIONS:The interns generally accepted the teaching method and got quali-fied results. Selecting cases from many ways,cases combined with PBL circumvent the shortages of traditional case method,such as narrow channels of case source,single content,low learning interest of students and poor sense of participation;the new meth-od mobilizes the subjective initiative of interns,accelerates the cultivation of interns’clinical thinking ability;it also helps to pro-mote the shift of“passive teaching”to“active teaching”and improves the teaching awareness and levels of teachers.



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