首页> 中文期刊>中国卫生产业 >刍议保健食品监管的问题及对策




保健食品通常是介于普通食品和药品之间的一种特殊食品,老年人经济能力的提高和保健心理的养成是促进这类产品市场快速发展的原因.目前,我国保健食品市场混乱,相关法律法规对于食品的监管不严造成产品标准与要求不符,很多产品含有规定以外的物质,并且通过虚假广告夸大产品的作用,严重影响消费者的购买选择,很多消费者花大价钱购买了与广告宣传不符的产品.为此,我国的保健品市场面临重组和加强监管的课题,需要重新制定相应的法律和法规,以确保保健品市场的健康发展.文章针对其存在的主要问题进行分析,提出了具体的保健品监管应对策略,以确保我国保健食品监管秩序,确保使用者安全.%The health food tong is a kind of special food between food and drugs, the improvement of the old economic ca-pacity and the formation of health psychology is to promote the cause of this kind of product rapid development. At present, the Chinese health food market chaos, the relevant laws and regulations about food caused by lax supervision standards in conformity with requirements, many products contain provisions outside material, and through the false advertisements exag-gerate the role of the product. Seriously affecting consumers' purchase choices, many consumers spend millions to buy the product inconsistent with advertising. To this end, China's health care products market restructuring and strengthen super-vision. We need to develop appropriate laws and regulations to ensure the healthy development of the health care market.In this paper, the main problems were analyzed, and puts forward the concrete countermeasure, in order to ensure the health food regulatory system, ensure the security of the users.



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