首页> 中文期刊>中国电化教育 >教育领域综合改革开局之年我国教育信息化新发展*--2014年中国教育信息化十大新闻解读




在深化教育领域综合改革开局之年的2014年,我国教育信息化着眼于“2020年基本实现教育现代化、基本形成学习型社会”进行全面部署,在技术变革教育教学、信息技术促进学习型社会建设等方面集中发力,使信息技术对教与学的双重革命影响更加凸显。为了让人们更好地了解和适应我国教育信息化高速发展的新形势,《中国电化教育》杂志社与中国教育技术协会、《中国教育报》、教育技术学科网、江苏省教育信息化工程技术研究中心继续联合评选“中国教育信息化十大新闻”,以此系统地梳理教育信息化的重大进展和典型经验。该文对2014年教育信息化十大新闻进行深度分析,以透视全年的教育信息化重大发展,帮助人们对信息化带动教育现代化、技术变革教育有新的认识,更好地深化改革,推进技术变革教育的发展。%In the ifrst year of deepening comprehensive reform of education, the educational informationization in China focused on making overall arrangements to realize basic modernization of education and form the learning society till 2020, which makes the revolutionary impact affected on teaching and learning by information technology be more obvious. In order to make people better understand and adapt to the new trend of educational informationization in China, China Education Daily, Renmin Zhengxie Bao, China Education Television and other media offer an educational informationization column. China Education Daily sets up a weekly special edition for educational informationization to report the signiifcant progress and typical experience. The Journal of China Educational Technology, China Association for Educational Technology, China Education Daily, the Discipline Network of Educational Technology and Jiangsu Engineering Research Center for Educational Informationization, kept on selecting “Top Ten News of Educational Informationization in China”, in order to make a systematical carding of the significant progress and typical experience. This article deeply analyzes the top ten news to grasp the major development of educational informationization throughout the year, deepen the understanding for educational modernization driven by educational informationization, enhance the cognition of transforming education and promote the development of transforming by technology.



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