首页> 中文期刊>中国电化教育 >创客教育的教学实践研究——以Snap+Arduino平台为例




随着"创客运动"的兴起,"创客教育"在中小学得到了迅速推广.创客教育集创新教育、体验教育、项目学习等思想为一体,契合了学生富有好奇心和创造力的天性.该文对创客教育产生和发展的历史背景、定义及相关理论进行了归纳.开展"创客教育"需要平台来支撑,选择什么样的创客平台更合适中小学,该文以Snap+Arduino平台为例,以开设选修课的形式进行了尝试.通过问卷调查、访谈、课例观察等方法对课程开设后的情况进行了跟踪.实验显示Snap+Arduino平台在促进教与学方式转变,培养学生主动探究、个性化学习方面更有效,符合创客教育"将知识性、实践性、创造性融入教学活动中,促进教与学模式的转变"的理念.该研究为创客教育提供了良好的教学范例,为创客教育的推广提供了可借鉴的经验.%"Maker Education" has been rapidly promoted in primary and secondary schools with the booming of "The Maker Culture movement". The Maker Education integrates innovative education, experience education, project learning and other ideas, it matches the curiosity and creativity of students’ nature. This article summarizes the historical background of the birth and development of Maker Education, and definitions and related theories of Maker Education. "Maker Education" activities require a platform to support, but what kind of maker platform is more suitable for primary and secondary schools? This research used the form of elective courses and based on Snap+Arduino platform, and the situation after the course was followed through questionnaires, interviews, lesson observations and other methods. The Experiments showed that the Snap+Arduino platform is more effective in promoting the transformation of teaching and learning methods, and training students’ active exploration and personalized learning, these consistent the concept of Maker Education which are "Integrate knowledge, practice and creativity into teaching activities to promote the transformation of teaching and learning modes". This study provides a good teaching paradigm and experience for maker education, furthermore, provides more experience on Maker education promotion.



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