首页> 中文期刊>中国农业教育 >农科女研究生科研及就业自我效能感研究




Research self-efficacy and employment self-efficacy affect the degree of self-recognition of post⁃graduate students in their research and employment respectively, and then affect their performance in their scien⁃ tific research and employment activities. A sample of 300 postgraduates from Shenyang Agricultural University was conducted and the result showed that there were significant differences in research and employment self-effi⁃cacy among agricultural postgraduates of different sexes. There were no significant differences between the female agricultural postgraduates and their counterparts in other majors in their self-efficacy and employment self-effi⁃cacy. On the basis of this, it is suggested that the whole society should eliminate the prejudice against the agri⁃cultural college students, that the university should guide the female postgraduate students to establish the confi⁃dence in their scientific research and employment and that the female postgraduate students themselves should re⁃new their ideology and improve their comprehensive quality.%科研自我效能感和就业自我效能感分别影响研究生在科研及就业方面的自我认可程度,进而影响其在科研和就业活动中的表现。经对沈阳农业大学300名硕士研究生抽样调查,结果显示:不同性别的农科研究生在科研和就业自我效能感上都存在显著差异;农科女研究生科研自我效能感和就业自我效能感与其他学科女研究生之间显著均不差异。基于此分析,建议社会消除对农业院校学生的偏见;高校正确引导农科女研究生在科研和就业方面树立信心;农科女研究生自身要更新观念,提高综合素质。



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