首页> 中文期刊>学术探索 >TAM模型视野下大学生移动学习行为的调查研究--以江苏省某高校为例




移动学习以其个性化、便携性、多媒体化等非常明显的优势吸引着越来越多的大学生加入。本文基于TAM模型建立了大学生移动学习行为的模型,以江苏某综合性高校的在校学生为研究样本,采用问卷调查的方法,利用SPSS对研究模型假设进行检验得知,大学生移动学习行为受感知移动学习的有用性及使用移动学习态度的影响;大学生对移动学习的态度由感知移动学习的有用性和易用性决定;大学生感知移动学习的易用性由感知移动学习的便捷性、个性化选择程度决定;大学生感知移动学习的有用性由人际关系的需求、感知移动学习的易用性决定;大学生的生存需求、个体成长发展需求对感知移动学习的有用性没有显著影响。%This article,based on the TAM model,establishes a mobile learning behavior model of college students.It takes students of a university in Jiangsu province as the research sample,adopts the method of questionnaire,and uses SPSS to test the model assumption.The findings go as follows:1 )College students′mobile learning behavior is affected by perceived usefulness and attitude of mobile learning;2)College students′attitude towards mobile learning is determined by the perception of useful-ness and ease of use of mobile learning.3)College students′awareness of mobile learning usability is determined by degree of convenience and personalized selection;4)College students′perception of the usefulness of mobile learning is decided by the demand of the interpersonal relationship,and the perception of ease of mobile learning.The survival needs and personality devel-opment of college students is not an influence factor to the usefulness of mobile learning.



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