首页> 中文期刊>学术探索 >《尤利西斯》的“互文”特点




詹姆斯·乔伊斯的《尤利西斯》自发表以来,国内外的评论家就其思想性、文化性和语言创新性等方面进行了富有成效的发掘。在对这部作品的“互文”研究方面,国内外研究主要聚集于该部作品与《奥德赛》《都柏林人》《青年艺术家肖像》以及欧洲其他文学作品间的关系。本文认为该部小说的前三章和后三章就叙述视角上构成“互文”特点,即小说前三章的叙述视角变化-全知视角占主导地位→全知视角与人物有限视角的交融→人物有限视角占主导地位-预示了小说后三章叙述模式的发展趋势,并以此为出发点探讨珀涅罗珀一章叙述风格的形成轨迹及意义。%Since its publication,“Ulysses”by James Joyce has received fruitful excavations in its ideological,cultural and lin-guistic innovation aspects.On the intertextuality,studies at home and abroad mainly focus on the relationship between this work and “Odyssey,”“Dubliners”,“Portrait of young artists,”and other European literary works.This paper argues that there is feature of“intertextuality”between its first three and the later three chapters in the narrative perspective.The change in the nar-rative perspective in the former,which goes from omniscient point of view dominating to omniscient point of view and characters limited perspectives blending,then to people limited perspective dominating,foreshadows the development trend of the latter in the narrative mode.Based on the above study,the paper traces the formation of the narrative style in the Penelope chapter and discusses its significance.



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