首页> 中文期刊>中国高等学校学术文摘·哲学 >'儒'的自我理解——荀子说儒的意义




No matter what the original meaning of "Ru"was.looking at it from the perspective of the history of philosophy,the image of "Ru"as portrayed by other schools in the Warring States period was infused with the characteristics of Confucianism of that time.The self-understanding of Warring States Confucians expressed by their employment of the character "Ru" clearly displayed Ru's character as well as the main points of the Ru school,namely Confucianism.In particular,the words and thoughts of Xunzi,the great Confucian master,on "Ru",epitomize Pre-Qin Confucian's understanding and expectations of themselves,and also reflect the Confucian new pursuit in facing the age of the unification of Qin.%不管"儒"字在字源上的原始意义如何,从学术史的观点来看,战国时代的其他学派对"儒"的思想刻画,已经鲜明地呈现出儒家的思想特质;而战国儒学在运用"儒"字上所表达的自我理解,更突出显现了"何为儒之人格,何为儒家的学说宗旨"在当时的通行理解.尤其是,战国末期的儒学大师荀子对"儒"的理解,作为战国时代评论各家"儒"的总结性代表,集中体现了先秦儒家的自我理解和自我期许,同时也反映了儒家因应秦的统一的时代即将到来的新的追求.



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