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The effect of problem-based learning on high school students enrolled in biology for the technologies as measured by concept of self and attitude toward science.


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This study examined the effects of a Problem-Based Learning unit of instruction on high school students enrolled in Biology for the Technologies by measuring the effect of a Problem-Based Learning unit on student concept of self and attitude toward science. Bracken's (1992) commercially available Multidimensional Self Concept Scale (MSCS) with six subscales was used to measure the difference in the concept of self of two groups of high school Bio-Tech students, one group that participated in a Problem-Based Learning unit of study for four to six weeks and another group that did not do so. A second measure, Science as You See It (SAYSI), with five subscales was designed by the investigator to evaluate the effect of the same Problem-Based Learning unit of instruction on the attitude toward science of the same two groups of high school Bio-Tech students. This study also explored the relationship between the dependent variables and considered the effect of gender on performance over time as measured by the MSCS and the SAYSI.; According to the multivariate tests of significance, the intervention, a Problem-Based Learning unit of instruction, appeared to have no statistically significant effect on the total score or subscores of the concept of self of high school students enrolled in Biology for the Technologies, nor did it seem to have any statistically significant effect on the attitude toward science of these same students. No statistically significant correlation was evident between the two measures or their subscales, and no relationship appeared to exist between pre- and post scores according to gender by treatment. Gender, alone, was statistically significant for attitude toward science.
机译:这项研究通过测量基于问题的学习单元对学生的自我概念和对科学态度的影响,研究了基于问题的学习单元对高中生物技术学生的影响。 Bracken(1992)的商业多维自我概念量表(MSCS)具有六个分量表,用于测量两组高中生物技术学生的自我概念差异,其中一组参加了基于问题的学习单元。研究四到六周,另一组没有这样做。研究者设计了第二项措施,即“科学见识”(SAYSI),具有五个子量表,以评估同一基于问题的学习单元对同一两组高中生物科学对科学态度的影响。科技学生。这项研究还探索了因变量之间的关系,并考虑了性别对长期绩效的影响,这一点由MSCS和SAYSI衡量。根据显着性的多变量检验,作为基于问题的学习单元的干预措施,对在技术生物学课程中报名的高中生的自我概念总分或总分似乎没有统计学意义,也没有似乎对这些学生的科学态度没有统计学上的显着影响。在这两个量度或其子量表之间没有明显的统计学显着相关性,并且根据治疗性别不同,前后得分之间似乎没有关系。性别对科学态度具有统计学意义。



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