首页> 中文学位 >及物性结构的喻化及其文体效果





Abstract in Chinese

Abstract in English


0.1The aim of the study

0.2Review of literature and statement of problem




Chapter One: An Overview of Transitivity Metaphor

1.1 The function of language and its transparency

1.2 The origin, cause and development of metaphor

1.3 Theories of metaphor

1.4 Multi-level system and realization

1.5 Transitivity and transitivity metaphor

1.6 Departure point of the study of transitivity metaphorization

1.7 Transitivity metaphorization and its stylistic effect

1.8 Summary

Chapter Two: Transference of Different Processes

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Other processes metaphorized into material process

2.2.1 Mental process metaphorized into material process

2.2.2 Relational process metaphorized into material process

2.2.3 Metaphorization from behavioral process to material process

2.2.4Metaphorization from existential process to material process

2.2.5Metaphorization from verbal process to material process

2.3 Other types of metaphorization from process A to process B

2.3.1 Metaphorization from existential process to verbal process

2.3.2Metaphorization from existential process to behavioral process

2.3.3 Metaphorization from mental process to relational process

2.3.4Metaphorization from existential process to behavioral process

2.3.5 Metaphorization from material process to mental process

2.4 Summary

Chapter Three: Transitivity Metaphor: Nominalization

3.1What is nominalization

3.2Features of nominalization: lexical density and grammatical intricacy

3.3 Stylistic effect of nominalization

3.3.1 Thematic connection

3.3.2 Encapsulation

3.3.3 Conciseness

3.3.4 Syntactic ambiguity

3.4 Summary

Chapter Four: Miscellaneous Types of Transitivity Metaphor

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Transitivity metaphorization: displacement of participants and circumstantial elements

4.3 Rankshift and hyperbole

4.3.1 Rankshift

4.3.2 Rankshift and hyperbole

4.4 Adjectivization

4.5 Verbalization

4.5.1 From noun to verb

4.5.2 From adjective to verb

4.5.3 From adverb to verb

4.6 Summary

Chapter Five: Transitivity Metaphorization and Style

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Transitivity metaphor and stylistic texture

5.2.1 Scientific discourse

5.2.2 discourse of history

5.2.3 Table of contents

5.2.4 Abstracts of academic writing

5.3 Transitivity metaphor and register

5.3.1 Transitivity metaphorization and field

5.3.2 Transitivity metaphorization and tenor

5.3.3 Transitivity metaphorization and mode

5.4 Transitivity metaphor and the stylistic cohesion

5.5 Transitivity metaphor and ideology

5.6 Summary





后现代主义思潮在当代哲学中发展迅猛,语言学领域的研究也顺应了这股强劲趋势.其具体表现为语言学研究重点的转向.即从词汇句子层面向语篇层面,从句法向语义,从语言内部孤立成分静态研究转向语言与语言外部因素之间互动关系的动态考察.在这一大背景下,系统功能语言学因其独到的功能主义和社会意义学(sociosemiotics)视角,而为越来越多的语言学家所认同.与此同时,西方语言学界掀起一股隐喻跨学科研究的热潮.从二十世纪60年代以来,主流的语言学家们就非常关注隐喻问题,尤其是Lakoff和Johnson在1980年提出认知隐喻的概念后,隐喻成为当今语言研究的热点.韩礼德(M.A.K.Halliday)在此背景下提出语法隐喻(grammatical metaphor,为了行文的方便,以后简称为GM)的理论.韩礼德没有走古典修辞学的老路,也没有因循前卫认知心理语言学的轨迹,而是独辟溪径,从功能语法中寻求对隐喻的诠释,他认为语言三大纯理功能(metafunction)中的概念功能和人际功能有相应的概念语法隐喻(ideational GM)和人际语法隐喻(interpersonal GM),而对语篇语法隐喻持保留态度.Martin认为语篇功能有相应的语篇语法隐喻(textualGM),他用主位(Theme)和述位(Rheme)的隐喻化加以证实,补充丰富了语法隐喻理论.韩氏主要研究概念语法隐喻,并把其中的



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