首页> 中文学位 >归因视角下的初中生英语学习倦怠研究







List of tables

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research background

1.2 The Purpose and the significance of the study

1.2.1 The Purpose of the thesis

1.2.2 Theoretical signifieanee

1.2.3 Practical significance

1.3 An Overall Structure of the Paper

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Overview on learning burnout

2.1.1 Definitions ol burnout

2.1.2 Learning burnout

2.1.3 English Learning Burnout

2.2 Theoretical Framework on learning burning out

2.2.1 Three-dimensional burnout theory of Maslach

2.2.2 Theory of Weiner

2.3 Studies on learning burnout at home and abroad

2.3.1 Studies on learning burnout at home

2.3.2 Studies on learning burnout abroad

Chapter three Methodology

3.1 Research Questions

3.2 Suhjeets

3.3 Instruments

3.3.1 Questionnaires

3.3.2 Individual interviews

3.4 Research procedures

3.4.1 Data collection and analysis

3.4.2 Individual interviews

Chapter Four ResuIts and Discussion

4.1 Results and discussions of junior high school students’English learning burnout questionnaire

4.1.1 The general description of junior high school students’English learning burnout

4.1.2 The results and discussion of the first dimension(Emotional exhaustion)

4.1.3 The results and discussion of the second dimension(Inappropriate behaviors)

4.1.4 The results and discussion of the third dimension(Personal aecompfishmentl

4.1.5 The results and discussion of the fourth dimension(Afienation between students and teachers)

4.2 Results and discussion ofjunior high school students’attribution questionnaire

4.2.1 The general description of junior high school students’attribution tendencies in English learning

4.2.2 The results and discussion of dimension(Students-related factors)

4.2.3 The results and discussion of dimension(Teacher-related factors)

4.2.4 The results and discussion of dimension(Environment-related factors)

4.2.5 The results and discussion of dimension(Subject-related factors)

4.3 The relationship and discussion between junior high school students’English learning burnout and English attribution tendency

4.3.1 Correlation between the overall English learning burnout questionnaire and students-related faetors

4.3.2 Correlation between the overall English learning burnout questionnaire and teacher-related factors

4.3.3 Correlation between the overall English learning burnout questionnaire and environment-related factors

4.3.4 Correlation between the overall English learning burnout questionnaire and subject-related factors

4.4 The result and discussion of the individuaI interview

4.4.1 The first Interview

4.4.2 The second interview

4.4.3 The third interview

4.4.4 The fourth interview

Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Major findings

5.2 Main implications

5.2.1 Suggestions for students

5.2.2 Suggestions for teachers

5.3 Limitations and further suggestions










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