
Health Performance Indicators


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In an effort to protect and improve the health of personnelrninvolved in upstream oil and gas activities, the industry has,rnfor the first time, started to collect Health PerformancernIndicators (HPI) from its operations around the world.rnPro-active and reactive indicators are being collected. Thernpro-active indicators focus on the number and nature of thernhealth risk assessments an organisation has undertaken (egrnnumber of site visits by health professionals, ergonomicrnassessments and community impact assessments). Thernreactive indicators measure incident rates expressed in termsrnof Occupational Illness Categories (e.g. back problems andrnlower limb disorders, mental ill-health and noise inducedrnhearing loss).rnThe paper presents the results and the lessons learnt fromrnthe year 2000 HPI data collection programme.rnEight organisations, seven of which are OGP members,rnprovided HPI data in varying levels of detail. Initial analysisrnof the data indicates a predominance of health problemsrnassociated with back, neck and lower/upper limb disorders.rnInfections/preventable diseases and mental ill-health problemsrnalso feature as a major contributor to the health statistics.rnThe paper presents the approach being adopted by thernindustry to improve the quantity and quality of the data to berncollected in future years. In particular it is recognised thatrnthere is a requirement to define better certain parameters, suchrnas what constitutes a valid and reasonable healthrnrisk assessment.



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