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Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Schemes With Guaranteed Stability


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Model predictive control (MPC), also referred to as moving horizon control or receding horizon control, has become an attractive feedback strategy, especially for linear or nonlinear systems subject to input and state constraints. In general, linear and nonlinear MPC are distinguished. Linear MPC refers to a family of MPC schemes in which linear models are used to predict the system dynamics, even though the dynamics of the closed-loop system is nonlinear due to the presence of constratints. Linear MPC approaches have found successful applications, espcially in the process industries (Richalet, 1993). A complete overview on industrial MPC techniques with details and comparisons is given by Qin and Badgwell (1996), where more than 2200 applications in a very wide range from chemicals to aerospace industries are also summarized. By now , linear MPC theory is quite mature. Important issues such as stability are well addressed (see for example (Lee,1996) for an overview).
机译:模型预测控制(MPC)也称为移动水平控制或后移水平控制,已成为一种有吸引力的反馈策略,尤其是对于受输入和状态约束的线性或非线性系统。通常,区分线性和非线性MPC。线性MPC是指一系列MPC方案,其中由于存在约束,即使闭环系统的动力学是非线性的,也使用线性模型来预测系统动力学。线性MPC方法已找到成功的应用,尤其是在过程工业中(Richalet,1993)。 Qin和Badgwell(1996)给出了有关工业MPC技术的完整概述,包括细节和比较,其中还概述了从化学到航空航天工业的2200多种应用。到目前为止,线性MPC理论已经相当成熟。诸如稳定性之类的重要问题得到了很好的解决(例如,参见(Lee,1996)的概述)。



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