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Practicality and effectiveness of SETS based learning materials to trained students' higher-order thinking skills




At present, there are no many environment-based learning activities with interesting practices that utilize technology and at the same time to train students with higher-order thinking skills. Therefore, a learning instrument is needed to implements these practices. This research aims to describe the practicality and effectiveness of SETS based learning materials for higher-level thinking skills of 1st grader of junior high school in Sciences subject, including (1) describing the implementation of learning, (2) describing student responses toward learning, and (3) describing higher-order thinking skills of students. Research methods used were observation method for learning realization, questionnaire method for student responses, and test method to determine learning achievement (pre-test and post-test). Research instruments used were observation sheets of learning realization, questionnaire sheet for student response, and sheets of the higher-order thinking skills test. Results of the research showed that (1) learning based on the SETS approach was conducted very well; (2) student responses toward learning are highly positive; and (3) higher-order thinking skills of students have increased after SETS-based learning materials have been applied. This is shows that SETS learning materials are stated to be practical and effective to be used in learning to trained higher-order thinking skills.
机译:目前,没有许多基于环境的学习活动,利用技术的有趣做法,同时培养学生以高阶思维技能。因此,需要学习仪器来实现这些实践。本研究旨在描述基于初级学生在科学主题的第一年级学生高级思维技能的实用性和有效性,包括(1)描述学习的实施,(2)描述学生对学习的反应, (3)描述学生的高阶思维技能。所使用的研究方法是学习实现的观察方法,对学生反应的问卷方法,以及测定学习成果的测试方法(测试和后测试)。使用的研究仪器是学习实现的观察表,学生回应的问卷表以及高阶思维技能测试的床单。研究结果表明,(1)基于集合方法的学习非常好; (2)学生对学习的回应非常积极; (3)基于组的学习材料后,学生的高阶思维技能增加了。这是表明,套装学习材料被规定是实用且有效的,用于学习以接受高阶思维技能。



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