首页> 外文会议>National Seminar on Chemistry >Development of Student Worksheet Based Guided Inquiry to Practice Scientific Literacy in Thermochemical Chapter of XI Grade in Senior High School

Development of Student Worksheet Based Guided Inquiry to Practice Scientific Literacy in Thermochemical Chapter of XI Grade in Senior High School




The purpose of this study is development the Student Worksheet based on theoretical and empirical feasibility. The theoretical feasibility of the Student Worksheet is based on the feasibility of the content, language, presentation and graphics. The empirical feasibility of the Student Worksheet is reviewed based on tests of scientific literacy skills and student responses. The research technique used in this study is descriptive quantitative and the research design uses one group pretest-posttest design. The research procedure used the method of Research and Development (R & D) by Sukmadinata (2012). Student Worksheets based guided inquiry to practice scientific literacy skills in the thermochemical chapter. The development of the Student Worksheet was declared suitable for use as teaching material in accordance with the theoretical feasibility of 86% content eligibility categorized as very feasible, linguistic feasibility with a percentage of 80.67% categorized as feasible, presentation eligibility with a percentage of 83.33% categorized very feasible, and graphic feasibility with a percentage of 87.23% is categorized as very feasible. The development Student Worksheet gets a positive response from students with an average percentage of 89.33% which is categorized as responding strongly. The average result of pretest of scientific literacy ability is 50.37 which is stated not to reach the minimum completeness criteria and the average posttest results of scientific literacy ability of 87.90 has reached the minimum completeness criteria. As well as scientific literacy test results obtain an average N-Gain of 0.77 in the high category.



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