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Research on the Word Order Adjustment of Translation from the Perspective of Thematic Meaning




In the practice of English-Chinese translation, an important issue facing translators is to adjust the word order. For literary texts, word order directly affects the fluency of the translation, and it also involves the transmission of the aesthetic value of literary texts. The traditional translation theories focus more on the conveying of meaning and content and do not emphasize too much on the word order. This paper is aimed at deepening the translator's understanding of the word order by analyzing the role of word order, and making the word order play a greater role in the future translation practice.
机译:在英语翻译的实践中,一个面临翻译人员的重要问题是调整字令。对于文学文本,Word命令直接影响翻译的流畅性,并且还涉及文学文本的美学价值的传播。传统的翻译理论在传达的意义和内容中侧重于更多,并且不会在单词顺序上强调太多。本文旨在通过分析单词顺序的作用,深化翻译对词序顺序的理解,并使Word order在未来的翻译实践中发挥更大的作用。



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