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The Construction and Application of College English Blended Teaching Model Based on Mobile APP




The college English blended teaching model based on mobile APP transforms students from passive recipients of knowledge to active inquirers of knowledge, and transforms teachers from the center of the classroom to the supervisors, organizers and guiders of the classroom. Through the combination of online self-learning before and after class and face-to-face teaching in class, this model effectively embodies "flip classroom" teaching. Moreover, this model enhances the interactivity and sociality of English teaching, helps to track students' learning behaviors, and makes college English teaching diversified and three-dimensional. It has significant theoretical and practical value for the reform of college English teaching.
机译:基于移动应用程序的大学英语混合教学模式将学生从知识的被动接受者转变为积极的知识查询,并将教师从课堂中心转变为教室的主管,组织者和教室的指导人。 通过在线自我学习前后的组合和课堂面对面教学,这种模式有效地体现了“翻转课堂”教学。 此外,该模型增强了英语教学的交互和社会性,有助于跟踪学生的学习行为,使大学英语教学多样化和三维。 大学英语教学改革具有重要的理论和实践价值。



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