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The Effectiveness of Science Learning using Contextual Teaching and Learning to Improve Elementary School Students' Critical Thinking Skills




This study aims to examine the effectiveness of science learning which applied Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) to improve the critical thinking skills of elementary school students on the topic of balance and preservation of natural resources. This research is a part of a development study with the main focus on the analysis of the effectiveness of learning aids using one group pre-test post-test. The study was conducted at SD Al Muslim, one of the primary schools (SD) in East Java, with a total sample of 80 students divided into three classes. Before the learning with CTL approach was carried out, students were given pre-test of Critical Thinking Skills (KPS) and after learning, students were again given the same KPS test as the final test (post-test). Data in the form of KPS skills, activities, and student responses were respectively collected using KPS test instrument, student activity observation sheet, and student response question. The collected data were then analyzed using a paired t-test, ANOVA, and descriptive analysis. Research has shown that CTL-based science learning is effective in improving students' critical thinking skills.
机译:本研究旨在研究科学学习的有效性,应用上下文教学和学习(CTL),以提高小学生对自然资源的平衡主题的批判性思维技能。该研究是开发研究的一部分,主要注重使用一组预测试后测定助手的有效性分析。该研究是在东爪哇省的主要学校(SD)之一的SD Al Muslim进行的研究,共有80名学生分为三个课程。与CTL方法的学习进行前,学生分别给予批判性思考能力(KPS)的预测试和学习后,学生们再次给予相同的KPS测试作为最终测试(后测)。使用KPS测试仪器,学生活动观察表和学生响应问题收集以KPS技能,活动和学生反应形式的数据。然后使用配对的T检验,ANOVA和描述性分析分析收集的数据。研究表明,基于CTL的科学学习在提高学生的批判性思维技能方面是有效的。



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