
Selling 'Quality of Life' in Kentucky




Kentucky had several bills dealing with smart growth legislation with the words "smart growth" in them, and none of them even got to a vote. With two or three exceptions, we are, for the most part, a rural state. As you might expect, it became a controversial, divisive subject. That being said, since we couldn't get to first base with our smart growth bills, we are endeavoring to use the planning process, and the transportation process specifically, to improve the quality of life, using that angle as opposed to the smart growth angle. It seems to be catching on because we are selling the fact that it is the responsible and right thing to do. Our governor, who was and is a supporter of smart growth, couldn't get to first base with it. He is using his powers, both his executive power and his power of persuasiveness, to alter the mind-set of the citizenry. He is a former coal stripper, which doesn't really sit well with some of the environmental community, and they look at him and wonder what he is doing. He is also a mechanical engineer, so I don't know whether that helps him or hurts him. I'm a former contractor, so you have two champions of the quality of life endeavor, let alone smart growth, who are both a little suspect. We are both working at this and trying to alter the culture or the ethic of our troops.


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