




ALSTOM's experience in metro building goes back over 70 years, and over 25,000 cars have been sold so far. ALSTOM is a pioneer with the first welded aluminium carbody (MF 77 in Paris) and with the first rubber tired metro car (MP 51 in Paris). Today, in over 40 cities, one of four metro cars in operation worldwide is an ALSTOM vehicle, and 6 billion passengers are transported every year by ALSTOM's metros. In order to be ready for the evolving market requirements, together with an integration of the latest findings in metro technology, in 1997 ALSTOM had decided to create a fully modular metro vehicle range: METROPOLIS. This range was aimed to provide for worldwide coverage, the ability for high customisation, possible local manufacturing, short delivery time and low life-cycle costs. Last not least, METROPOLIS was aimed to become the backbone of ALSTOM's automatic metro product line AXONIS; METROPOLIS covering the medium and high transport capacities range of AXONIS. The choice was settled on a fully flexible bodyshell to fit different physical constraints (tunnel gabarits, gradients,...) and customer requirements, within a modular concept with proven equipment for configuration and flexibility, offering attractive interiors and external shapes. METROPOLIS thus consists of standard products and equipments such as propulsion and electronics, flexible major sub-assemblies with variable characteristics such as bodyshell, and customisable elements such as front ends and passenger amenities. The METROPOLIS range covers vehicle dimensions from 16 to 25 meters in length and 2.6 to 3.2 meter in width. It can be fitted with 2 to 5 doors per side. Power voltage can be chosen to be 750 V DC or 1500 V DC. Standardized bogies offer a maximum speed of 100 kph. The ONIX traction inverters equipped with IGBT together with the AGATE-Link vehicle and train network ensure reliable operation.
机译:阿尔斯通在地铁建筑的经验回到了70多年,到目前为止已售出25,000辆车。 Alstom是一种与第一焊接铝制车队(巴黎MF 77)的先驱,第一辆橡胶疲惫的地铁车(巴黎MP 51)。今天,在40多个城市,全球四个地铁车之一是一辆阿尔斯通车辆,并通过阿尔斯通的Metros每年一次运送60亿乘客。为了准备好不断发展的市场要求,同时融入了地铁技术的最新调查结果,1997年阿尔斯通决定创建一个完全模块化的地铁车辆范围:大都市。该范围旨在提供全球覆盖范围,高定制,局部制造,交货时间短,省略时间和低生命周期成本的能力。持续较此,大都市旨在成为阿尔斯通自动地铁产品线Axonis的骨干;大都市覆盖了轴突的中型和高运输能力范围。该选择在一个完全灵活的Bodyshell上定位,以适应不同的物理限制(隧道大规模,梯度,......)和客户要求,在模块化概念内,具有经过验证的配置和灵活性,提供有吸引力的内部和外部形状。因此,大都市包括标准产品和设备,如推进和电子设备,柔性主要子组件,具有可变特性,如Bodyshell,以及诸如前端等可定制元件和乘客设施。大都市范围涵盖16至25米长的车辆尺寸,宽度为2.6至3.2米。它可以安装2到5个门。电源电压可选择为750 V DC或1500 V DC。标准化的转向架提供最大速度为100 kPH。 Onix牵引反相器配有IGBT以及玛瑙链接车辆和火车网络确保可靠的操作。



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