
MOSTS: a mobile robot with a spherical continuously variabletransmission




Introduces the design and analysis of a type of wheeled mobilerobot that uses a spherical continuously variable transmission (S-CVT)element. The S-CVT is composed of a sphere, input and output discs, andvariators, and power transmission is based on the friction force betweenthe discs and the sphere. Use of the S-CVT allows for smooth operationof the mobile robot over all phases of forward, neutral, and reversemotion without the use of any brakes or clutches. The S-CVT also permitsthe motors to operate in their most power-efficient regimes. Motion inthe plane, including pure rotation about its center is achieved by anovel pivoting device that eliminates the need for an actuated steeringwheel, or an additional motor for differentiating the wheel velocities.We describe the conceptual principle behind our CVT-based mobile robot,and present a complete design and analysis of its capabilities based ona prototype currently under construction
机译:介绍一种轮式移动电话的设计和分析 使用球形无级变速器(S-CVT)的机器人 元素。 S-CVT由一个球体,输入和输出光盘以及 变速器,动力传递是基于之间的摩擦力 圆盘和球体。使用S-CVT可实现平稳运行 机器人在前进,空档和倒车的所有阶段的运动 不使用任何制动器或离合器的情况下进行运动。 S-CVT还允许 电机以其最节能的方式运行。动作中 平面,包括绕其中心的纯旋转是通过以下方式实现的: 新颖的枢轴装置,无需操纵转向 车轮,或用于区分车轮速度的附加电动机。 我们描述了基于CVT的移动机器人背后的概念原理, 并根据以下内容对其功能进行完整的设计和分析 目前正在建造的原型



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