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The role of collaborative inquiry in transforming faculty perspectives on use of reflection in engineering education




During the 2014–2015 academic year, engineering faculty members and students at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) met monthly in a collaborative inquiry dialogue group to discuss the role of reflection in transforming engineering education. This project is part of the larger Consortium to Promote Reflection in Engineering Education (CPREE) headed by the University of Washington. In this paper we describe the activities of the Cal Poly group involved with CPREE and how these activities have transformed the thinking and actions of participants. Collaborative inquiry dialogue involves self-organizing individuals into a small group to address a compelling question through repeated cycles of experimentation and reflection on the results of that experimentation. In this context, the faculty members involved (including the authors of this paper) have been meeting to discuss how use of reflection in the classroom and/or in a collaborative inquiry dialogue amongst colleagues might lead to transformation in engineering education practice and outcomes. The dialogue group serves as a safe container that allows for the possibility of transformational insights by participants — insights that change their view of themselves, the world, and their relationship to it. Using a qualitative self-report methodology in the tradition of an action research paradigm, we (the authors) reflected on what we believed we had gained from the collaborative inquiry dialogues. Broadly we have noticed that participation in the collaborative inquiry dialogue has led us to reconsider what reflection is and what it could be, to develop a greater appreciation for the role of reflective practices in engineering education, and to better recognize when reflection is occurring (and when it might not be) such that reflective behaviors can be encouraged and practiced. We also began to challenge assumptions we had made about our teaching practices and have noted that the collabora- ive inquiry provides an environment in which development of new thinking is possible.
机译:在2014-2015学年期间,加利福尼亚州立理工大学(Cal Poly)的工程系教职人员和学生每月在一个协作式询问对话小组中开会,讨论反思在转变工程教育中的作用。该项目是由华盛顿大学领导的更大的促进工程教育反思的财团(CPREE)的一部分。在本文中,我们描述了参与CPREE的Cal Poly小组的活动,以及这些活动如何改变了参与者的思想和行为。协作探究对话涉及将个人自成一个小组,通过反复的实验循环和对实验结果的反思来解决一个令人信服的问题。在这种情况下,相关的教职人员(包括本文的作者)一直在开会,讨论在教室和/或同事之间的协作性询问对话中使用反思如何导致工程教育实践和成果的转变。对话小组是一个安全的容器,允许参与者进行变革性见解,这些见解改变了他们对自己,世界以及与之的关系的看法。在行动研究范式的传统中使用定性的自我报告方法,我们(作者)反思了我们认为从协作询问对话中学到的东西。广泛地讲,我们注意到参加协作式询问对话使我们重新考虑什么是反思和可能是什么,以加深对反思实践在工程教育中的作用的认识,并更好地认识到反思发生的时间(和(如果不是这样),则可以鼓励和实践反思性行为。我们也开始挑战我们对教学实践所作的假设,并注意到,协作式探究提供了一种可能发展新思维的环境。



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