
Multi-generation device fabrication by ArF lithography




Summary form only given. Although ArF excimer laser lithography is expected to attain the highest resolution possible in optical lithography, its application to 0.13-/spl mu/m devices has not been adequately demonstrated. In next generation sub-0.10 /spl mu/m devices, it is believed that the mix and match process is indispensable with optical lithography and other types of lithography. One reason is the difficulty of fabricating contact holes with a larger process margin. Here, we demonstrate that it is possible to make 0.13-/spl mu/m patterns using a single layer resist in combination with resolution enhancement techniques, and to make sub-0.10 /spl mu/m contact holes using the Top Surface Imaging (TSI) process.
机译:仅提供摘要表格。尽管ArF准分子激光光刻有望获得光学光刻中可能的最高分辨率,但尚未充分证明其在0.13- / splμm/ m器件中的应用。在下一代低于0.10 / splμm/ m的设备中,可以认为混合匹配过程对于光学光刻和其他类型的光刻是必不可少的。原因之一是难以制造具有较大工艺余量的接触孔。在这里,我们证明可以使用单层抗蚀剂结合分辨率增强技术制作0.13 / spl mu / m的图案,并可以使用顶表面成像(TSI)制作低于0.10 / spl mu / m的接触孔) 过程。


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