
Inquiry-Based Python Programming at Secondary Schools




Programming is a traditional part of informatics education from Primary to Upper Secondary Education in Slovakia. We have seen a growing interest of using Python in programming at our secondary schools during the past six years. However, the transition from using the still prevalent Pascal to Python is often only formal, regardless of the language specifics of Python. In addition, teaching programming is oriented primarily to mastering language constructions. In the frame of the National project IT Academy we have focused on inquiry-based programming teaching. In our teaching and learning materials we exploit the 5E learning cycle. Firstly, pupils are engaged in a topic, then they explore a topic and give explanation for their findings, then elaborate on their learning and finally are evaluated. Their learning is not focused just on acquiring skills and experience using suitable Python commands and data structures, but also on using various problem solving strategies. The paper presents examples of teaching materials and interesting findings and comments from pilot teachers.



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