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Using wolfram software to improve reading comprehension in mathematics for software engineering students




The higher education through virtual environment is students centered oriented to the interactive learning, in situations to be closer to the real world; for that reason, teachers must have new communicative competence. students centered oriented to the interactive learning, in situations to be closer to the real world. This paper shows the use of Wolfram software as a supplementary educational resource in the process of reading comprehension in mathematics, in the first, and third semester of Information and Computer System Engineering as part of process of formation of future engineering. Mathematics is a fundamental subject in the normative process of educating the future professionals. For example, this can be applied by using the technology, and software by Wolfram. Students from experimental groups used together with the teacher the software Wolfram Mathematica. The experience in this research by teacher shows the necessity of include this math package as supplementary educational resource, which support the capacity of calculus, and interpretation of the non-trivial problems.
机译:通过虚拟环境进行的高等教育是在与现实世界更加接近的情况下,以交互学习为中心的学生。因此,教师必须具有新的沟通能力。在更接近现实世界的情况下,学生以互动学习为中心。本文在信息和计算机系统工程的第一学期和第三学期中,展示了Wolfram软件在数学阅读理解过程中作为补充教育资源的用途,这是未来工程学形成过程的一部分。在规范未来的专业人员的过程中,数学是基础课程。例如,这可以通过使用Wolfram的技术和软件来应用。实验小组的学生与老师一起使用了软件Wolfram Mathematica。老师在这项研究中的经验表明,必须将此数学软件包作为补充教育资源,以支持微积分的能力以及对非平凡问题的解释。



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