首页> 外文会议>ACM international conference on information and knowledge management >Discovering Top-k Teams of Experts with/without a Leader in Social Networks

Discovering Top-k Teams of Experts with/without a Leader in Social Networks




We study the problem of discovering a team of experts from a social network. Given a project whose completion requires a set of skills, our goal is to find a set of experts that together have all of the required skills and also have the minimal communication cost among them. We propose two communication cost functions designed for two types of communication structures. We show that the problem of finding the team of experts that minimizes one of the proposed cost functions is NP-hard. Thus, an approximation algorithm with an approximation ratio of two is designed. We introduce the problem of finding a team of experts with a leader. The leader is responsible for monitoring and coordinating the project, and thus a different communication cost function is used in this problem. To solve this problem, an exact polynomial algorithm is proposed. We show that the total number of teams may be exponential with respect to the number of required skills. Thus, two procedures that produce top-k teams of experts with or without a leader in polynomial delay are proposed. Extensive experiments on real datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and scalability of the proposed methods.



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