首页> 外文会议>Information Science and Engineering (ICISE), 2009 >The Effect of Departmental Leadership in High Educational Institution: A UK Case

The Effect of Departmental Leadership in High Educational Institution: A UK Case




This paper aims to analyse the reasons behind the turnaround of a UK university's Department financial crisis using leadership theories and reflective analysis approach, then presents the importance of developing an effective departmental leadership in High Educational Institutions (HEIs). It proves to be clear that the effective departmental leadership in the HEIs should have: i) A straightforward value that are related with individual and organisational benefits. ii) A strong influence that can effectively motivate department staffs to fulfill the department's value. iii) A far-sighted vision that can correctly guide the healthy development of department.
机译:本文旨在使用领导力理论和反思性分析方法来分析英国大学金融危机扭转的背后原因,然后提出在高等教育机构(HEIs)中发展有效的部门领导力的重要性。事实证明,高校中有效的部门领导应具有:i)与个人和组织利益相关的直接价值。 ii)强大的影响力可以有效地激励部门员工实现部门价值。 iii)具有远见卓识的愿景,可以正确指导部门的健康发展。



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