首页> 外文会议>IFIP TC3 Seventh IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education WCCE 2001 Jul 29-Aug 3, 2001 Copenhagen, Denmark >SelMa ― New Perspectives for Self-guided Learning in Teaching Mathematics at Senior High School Level

SelMa ― New Perspectives for Self-guided Learning in Teaching Mathematics at Senior High School Level

机译:SelMa ―高中阶段数学教学中自主学习的新视角

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How can new media make the teaching and learning of mathematics more exciting? How can school prepare for lifelong, self-guided learning? It is questions like these that the project 'SelMa ― Selbstlernen in der gymnasialen Oberstufe ― Mathematik', which is supported by the Federal Republic of Germany and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, addresses. The aim of the project is to show ideas and possibilities for the ways in which mathematics can be taught if student activity and self-guided learning are supported, and how the idea of self-guided learning in general can be integrated into daily school routine. SelMa is run in close co-operation with schools.
机译:新媒体如何使数学的教与学更加精彩?学校如何为终身自主学习做好准备?正是这样的问题解决了由德国联邦共和国和北莱茵-威斯特法伦州支持的项目“ SelMa –体操运动员的Selbstlernen Oberstufe – Mathematik”。该项目的目的是展示在学生活动和自主学习得到支持的情况下如何教授数学的思想和可能性,以及如何将自主学习的思想总体上整合到日常学校的日常活动中。 SelMa与学校紧密合作。



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