首页> 外文会议>IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings;LEOS '09 >Collisionally excited extreme ultra-violet lasers created by laser irradiation of plasmas

Collisionally excited extreme ultra-violet lasers created by laser irradiation of plasmas




Short wavelength extreme ultra-violet (EUV) lasers pumped by electron collisional excitation in plasmas irradiated by infra-red lasers have achieved saturated output down to wavelengths as short as 5.9 nm [1] and are now used for applications [2, 3]. These lasers operate without mirrors with output due to amplified spontaneous emission (ASE). The beam profiles consist typically of a large number of individual coherent beamlets [4] with a total near-field profile that is typically crescent shaped [5]. Gain profiles are spectrally narrow dependent on thermal Doppler broadening of ions of temperature ∼ 100 – 200 eV. With gain narrowing, this result in pulses of spectral width v/Δv ≫ 10
机译:在红外激光束照射的等离子体中,通过电子碰撞激发泵浦的短波长极紫外(EUV)激光器已经实现了饱和输出,其波长低至5.9 nm [1],现已用于应用[2,3]。由于放大的自发发射(ASE),这些激光器无需安装反射镜即可工作。光束轮廓通常由大量独立的相干子束[4]组成,总的近场轮廓通常为新月形[5]。增益曲线的光谱范围狭窄,取决于温度约100 – 200 eV的离子的热多普勒展宽。随着增益变窄,这导致频谱宽度为v /Δv≫ 10的脉冲



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