首页> 外文会议>Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning: Foundations for a CSCL Community Jan 7-11, 2002 Boulder, Colorado, USA >Reflective Inquiry: Enabling Group Self-regulation in Inquiry-based Science Using the Progress Portfolio Tool

Reflective Inquiry: Enabling Group Self-regulation in Inquiry-based Science Using the Progress Portfolio Tool


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This paper discusses how an inquiry-support software, the Progress Portfolio, c; n help students engage in reflective inquiry. We argue that self-regulation is one of the'most critical components of reflective inquiry and present an empirical case of how the Progress Portfolio tool was designed to enable students to become self-regulated in their learning. Even though there is a rich literature on self-regulation, little has been written about group self-regulation in inquiry-based science. Preliminary results from a study with middle school students show that students do use the Progress Portfolio tool to engage in self-regulating cognitive activities, such as setting goals, planning, and n onitoring their work.
机译:本文讨论了如何使用查询支持软件Progress Portfolio c。 n帮助学生进行反思性探究。我们认为自我调节是反思性探究的最关键组成部分之一,并提出了一个经验案例,说明了如何设计进度组合工具以使学生在学习中变得自我调节。尽管有很多关于自我调节的文献,但是关于基于查询的科学中的群体自我调节的文献很少。一项针对中学生的研究的初步结果表明,学生确实使用“进步档案袋”工具来进行自我调节的认知活动,例如设定目标,计划并监督他们的工作。



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