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Hypervisors assessment in education industry: Using OpenBRR methodology


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In this modern era of computer technology, virtualization emerges as a solution to maximize the resource of computing. Education therefore also implements virtualization to help day-to-day activities, and they need to know which hypervisor may suit their activities. This paper describes the assessment using OpenBRR, including the result of the assessment, how do the OpenBRR methodology works and also how the data gathered by using qualitative interviews. The assessment covers several categories, taken from OpenBRR which related to the hypervisor operations in the educational institution, they are functionality, usability, performance, documentation, scalability and support. This assessment uses two open-source hypervisor that already implemented in the market, namely Proxmox Virtual Environment and Citrix Xen Server 6. As a result of assessment, both hypervisors shows good quality, can be seen from the BRR score calculated from normalizing the data and calculate into BRR score, a hypervisor may not good in all categories, but there are some categories that better inProxmox, and other categories are better in Citrix Xen Server.
机译:在当今的计算机技术时代,虚拟化作为一种​​解决方案可以最大化计算资源。因此,教育还实施了虚拟化来帮助开展日常活动,并且他们需要知道哪种虚拟机监控程序可能适合其活动。本文介绍了使用OpenBRR进行的评估,包括评估的结果,OpenBRR方法如何工作以及通过定性访谈收集的数据如何。评估涵盖了来自OpenBRR的与教育机构中的虚拟机管理程序操作相关的几类,它们是功能,可用性,性能,文档,可伸缩性和支持。该评估使用了已经在市场上实施的两个开源虚拟机管理程序,即Proxmox虚拟环境和Citrix Xen Server6。作为评估的结果,从对数据进行规范化计算得出的BRR得分中可以看出,这两个虚拟机管理程序都具有良好的质量。根据BRR分数计算,虚拟机监控程序可能并非在所有类别中都很好,但是有些类别在Proxmox中更好,而其他类别在Citrix Xen Server中则更好。



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