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Macintosh的相关文献在1989年到2017年内共计104篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、轻工业、手工业、无线电电子学、电信技术 等领域,其中期刊论文102篇、专利文献2篇;相关期刊74种,包括管理观察、电子出版、电子产品世界等; Macintosh的相关文献由66位作者贡献,包括李斌、胡德明、7inst等。



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论文:2 占比:1.92%





  • 李斌
  • 胡德明
  • 7inst
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  • Haider Abbas
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  • Jaishree Bogra
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    • 万磊; 洪方晓; 丁冠男; 田鸣
    • 摘要: Objective To compare the clinical application of the Macintosh and Glidescope in intubation for the patients with simulated neck immobilization using Ambu rigid collar. Methods 80 patients undergoing general anesthesia who required tracheal intubation were randomly assigned to two groups:Glidescope(G group,n = 40)and Macintosh(M group,n = 40). After induction of anesthesia,the neck of the patients was immobilized with Ambu rigid collar. And the tracheal intubation was performed by an experienced anesthetist who was familiar with each of these two devices. The duration of the successful attempt was recorded. The success rate for intubation in the first attempt and the overall success rate for intubation were recorded too. The duration of visualized glottis,the Cormack - Lehane classification and the number of optimization maneu-vers required to aid tracheal intubation,the hemodynamic data(MAP and HR of the T0 ,T1 ,T2 ,T3 ,T4 and T5 )were also recorded and ana-lyzed. Results The duration of the successful tracheal intubation attempts was 53. 78 ± 7. 84 s(G)and 42. 48 ± 8. 32 s(M),respectively, there were significant difference between two groups( P 0.05);C - L 分级:G 组的 C - L 分级优于 M 组( P 0.05)。结论用于 Ambu 颈托固定模拟颈椎活动受限病人气管插管,Glidescope 视频喉镜可改善该类病人的 C - L 分级,但一次插管成功率及完成插管时间与 Macintosh 喉镜比较无优势。
    • 龚毅; 陈国忠
    • 摘要: Airtraq^TM喉镜是一种无需使口咽和气管成一直线就可显露声门的可视喉镜。在以往研究中,Airtraq^TM喉镜相较传统喉镜在处理气道方面有更好的表现。而耳鼻喉手术患者常有不少因素对气道建立有不利影响:(1)一些结构上的变异如巨舌、下颌降低;(2)低鸣,声音嘶哑症;(3)颈部手术创伤;(4)喉头狭窄导管插入困难;(5)感染如会厌炎、咽后脓肿。
    • 摘要: 北京时间9月10日凌晨。在美国加州弗林特剧院-30年前乔布斯携Macintosh首次亮相的地方,苹果正式发布了iPhone6、iPhone6Plus及Watch三款产品以及Pay、健康应用等服务。
    • 摘要: 1986年夏天,美国密歇根大学的一位博士研究生托马斯·诺尔(Thomas Knoll)为了在Macintosh Plus电脑上显示灰阶图像而编制了一个小程序,他最初将这个程序命名为Display就是这个小程序后来发展成为赫赫有名的专业图像处理软件Photoshop,
    • Zia Arshad; Haider Abbas; Jaishree Bogra; Sulekha Saxena
    • 摘要: Objective: To compare the laryngoscopic view and the hemodynamic changes by using flexitip McCoy laryngoscope with Macintosh laryngoscope. Method: Study design-Prospective randomized controlled study. A total of 220 patients were included in the study. Patients were allocated on the basis of their airway anatomy in to two groups, one is predicted easy group and the other one was predicted difficult airway group. Among each group, half of the patient intubation was performed with Macintosh blade and the other half was intubated with the help of McCoy blade. The airway prediction was done on the basis of Mallampati grade, thyromental distance, inter incisor gap, jaw protrusion and weight of the patient. Larygoscopic view and hemodynamic changes were recorded. Results: The change in pulse rate was significantly (p = 0.01) higher among the patients of Group B (85.02 ± 10.13) as compared to Group A (79.20 ± 13.11) after induction in predicted easy patients. Similar observation was found for pulse rate after laryngoscopy among both predicted easy and difficult patients. The diastolic blood pressure was significantly (p = 0.0001) higher in Group B (86.34 ± 9.78) than Group A (77.12 ± 11.66) after induction among predicted easy patients. However, diastolic blood pressure was significantly (p = 0.0004) higher in Group A (82.00 ± 10.98) compared with Group B (75.00 ± 9.06) after induction among predicted difficult patients. The average time taken during laryngoscopy was in-significantly (p > 0.05) higher in Group B (13.90 ± 5.95) compared with Group A (12.42 ± 3.58) among predicted easy patients. However, the time taken was significantly (p = 0.0001) higher in Group A (20.83 ± 2.47) than Group B (12.66 ± 3.0) in predicted difficult patients. A majority of the patients of both the groups were in Grade I (Group A = 61.8%, Group B = 81.8%) followed by Grade II (Group A = 38.2%, Group B = 18.2%) among predicted easy patients. Conclusion: It was concluded that the McCoy blade may be an answer to Macintosh blade in difficult airway cases, but not the substitute of Macintosh blade in every case. The McCoy blade improved laryngeal view in patients with limited neck extension.
    • 摘要: 诞生30余年的x86架构成为个人计算领域无可争议的霸主已经是很久的事情了:第一块x86处理器8086发布于1978年,我们的大部分读者当时甚至还没有出生;从那时起到20世纪90年代早期,英特尔的8086/88、80286和80386等一系列x86处理器在微软的配合下,将摩托罗拉680x0和苹果Macintosh等一系列“非我族类”的微处理器和电脑彻底赶出了个人桌面市场,从而确立了x86架构在个人计算领域的霸主地位。
    • 摘要: 苹果公司.原名苹果电脑公司.是全球第一大手机生产商.是全球最大的PC厂商.也是世界上市值最大的上市公司.其核心业务是电子科技产品。苹果的AppleII于1970年代助长了个人电脑革命.其后的Macintosh接力于1980年代持续发展。最知名的产品是其出品的AppleII、Macintosh电脑、iPod音乐播放器、iTunes商店、iMac一体机、iPhone手机和iPad平板电脑等。在高科技企业中以创新而闻名.2012年2月底.苹果市值在派息预期的刺激下大涨.一举突破5000亿美元关口。
    • 傅钢兰; 胡楚文; 赵一凡; 曹铭辉
    • 摘要: 目的:评估麻醉住院医师在人体模型模拟颈椎固定致困难气道上使用Truview EVO2喉镜的效果.方法:20位未有在人体使用Truview EVO2喉镜经验的麻醉科住院医师,在高级麻醉医生讲解该喉镜使用方法并指导其在人体模型上以正常插管体位下成功完成3次插管,然后分别使用Macintosh喉镜和Truview EVO2喉镜在模型模拟颈椎后仰不能的情况下进行插管,记录喉镜暴露时间、插管时间、失败次数、喉镜暴露分级(C-L分级),并由受试者评定插管困难程度和对两种喉镜的喜好.结果:与Macintosh喉镜相比,Truview EVO2喉镜能显著改善颈椎后仰不能情况下的C-L分级(P<0.05),但并不缩短插管所耗时间和减少失败次数.受试者评价Truview EVO2插管困难程度与Macintosh喉镜无显著差异.结论:与传统插管方法相比,Truview EVO2用于人体模型模拟颈椎固定所致困难气道时可显著改善声门暴露,但对于使用经验不足的操作者并不能缩短插管时间.
    • 李思考
    • 摘要: 从上世纪80年代具有偶像级地位的Macintosh电脑,到近年进发的iPod音乐播放器、iPhone智能手机和iPad平板电脑……苹果引领了IT消费化时代的到来,自此,用户体验为王成为任何—个领域、任何一个企业专注思考的问题。
    • 摘要: 孩童时.我曾有一张Macintosh团队的合照,挂在卧室墙上。照片里约100名苹果公司员工站在一栋办公楼前.而前排中间抱着一台老式Mac电脑的.正是乔布斯。身着牛仔裤、黑色长袖汗衫及一双灰色的球鞋,十分休闲。当时.我只有9岁。那年.我祖父买了一台Macintosh128K,并说服我父母也买一台。我祖父是((Macworld))杂志的订户,有几本第一期杂志。我拿了两本回家,从其中一本上剪下合照.并保存了另外一本。两本杂志我现在都还留着。
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