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Language的相关文献在1987年到2022年内共计765篇,主要集中在常用外国语、自动化技术、计算机技术、语言学 等领域,其中期刊论文765篇、相关期刊379种,包括集团经济研究、校园英语、基础教育外语教学研究等; Language的相关文献由1030位作者贡献,包括本刊编辑部1、本刊编辑部、Leo Depuydt等。



论文:765 占比:100.00%





  • 本刊编辑部1
  • 本刊编辑部
  • Leo Depuydt
  • 张琳琳
  • 王猛
  • Alberto Rodrigues da Silva
  • André Ribeiro
  • Carina Toxqui
  • Chiranjibi Sitaula
  • Francisco Solís
  • 期刊论文





    • Luyao Li
    • 摘要: Dialect is important in our live,we can find our culture and identity through it.As the economic center of China,Shanghai enjoys high prosperity and rich culture,people in Shanghai have different attitude towards dialect compare with people in Beijing.This thesis goes to analysis the reason behind this interesting phenomenon.
    • Jing Li
    • 摘要: The relationship between language and thought has long been a topic of great interest in the field of linguistics,especially in psycholinguistics.Herder,Humboldt,Trendelenburg Sapir,Whorf,Gui Shichun,Lian Shuneng,and Bao Human are some of the well-known scholars who have conducted research on the relationship between language and thought.With regard to the relationship between language and thought,there are three main viewpoints.The first group of scholars,represented by Sapir and Whorf,supports linguistic determinism.Some scholars believe that language and thought are mutually independent.However,others believe that language and thought are inseparable.Beginning from Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and their theory of linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity,this article agrees with the influence of language over thought but refutes the extreme viewpoint of linguistic determinism from several points,proving the independence and mutual influence of language and thought.This article finally concludes that the preferred relationship between language and thought should be that they are independent but interactive.
    • 摘要: With over a thousand emoji pictures to represent our words, let’s take a closer look at this fastgrowing language.According to Professor Vyv Evans of Bangor University, Emoji is the UK’s fastest-growing language–evolving faster than any language in history. These little electronic images started life in Japanese mobile phones in the 90s and are now hugely popular.
    • 本刊编辑部
    • 摘要: Arguing the case that innate heuristics persisted into adulthood,if allowed to work for themselves,the linguists Newmark and Reibel(the founders of the COGNITIVE ANTI-METHOD)published in 1968 the paper‘Necessity and sufficiency in language learning’,elaborating upon Newmark’s earlier article‘How not to interfere with language learning’.
    • XIE Jian-hua
    • 摘要: The traditional view is that understanding knowledge is based on language.Is language a sufficient condition for cognitive knowledge?Pluralistic mind holds that understanding knowledge can be obtained independently through schemata.Schema-based cognition is not the only component of cognitive structure.The important language and quasi language thinking play a great role in cognition.Expounding the relationship between schema-based cognition and language and quasi language like thinking can explain the cognitive complementarity between schema and language.It shows that with the increase of language and quasi language thinking,the form of thinking is continuously enhanced and transformed through schema-based cognition.Language and quasi language thinking are cognitive abilities different from schema cognition.They are relatively new additions to cognitive tools.Language and quasi language like thinking are of little use to animals which do not have enough schema forming ability.
    • Mark Lowe
    • 摘要: 9.Task-Based Learning There are hard and soft versions of TBL,too.The hard version says that you must on no account teach a language form before performing a task:the language to be studied should evolve naturally out of the task.The soft version says that it is OK to teach the language first,provided you choose a task which generates that language naturally-and have a feedback session at the end.
    • Feng Tao
    • 摘要: Adorno believes that music is the most important art form and a typical artistic language.Music is pure,logical and linguistic.Music is an expression,i.e.,the vocalization of the unidentical things that are repressed.Music is also a kind of knowledge,with its own dialectical logic.Music has a negative truth,which allows it to be an immanent critique of society.
    • 朱红
    • 摘要: I have always loved learning languages.In sixth grade,I was excited the day the junior high school language teachers visited my class.I knew immediately that I wanted to learn French,even though everyone said it was much harder than Spanish.Later in high school,I was flipping through television channels one lazy Saturday when I realized I could follow an Italian opera without subtitles because of the similarities between Italian and French.
    • Gönül Bakay
    • 摘要: What is Old Age?Have you learned autumn yet?For I have not It is a harder language than Spring and Summer,Richer in connotations,with more color More resonance and more finality.In its more positive phrasing.I am resolved At length to master it.One main difficulty Is that it makes you forget language you knew Before your thought grows up to the novel idium.,If that,indeed,ever takes place at all.
    • 江丽
    • 摘要: 1 It is not easy to tell which is the most difficult language to learn because there are too many factors to take into consideration.In a first language,the difficulties are unimport⁃ant as people learn their mother tongue naturally。
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