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雌雄鉴别的相关文献在1974年到2022年内共计219篇,主要集中在畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、水产、渔业、林业 等领域,其中期刊论文206篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献11948篇;相关期刊125种,包括花卉、云南畜牧兽医、养禽与禽病防治等; 相关会议2种,包括中国畜牧兽医学会动物解剖学及组织胚胎学分会第十四次学术研讨会、全国第二十一次银杏学术研讨会 等;雌雄鉴别的相关文献由372位作者贡献,包括张德珠、潘沈元、熊谱成等。



论文:206 占比:1.69%


论文:2 占比:0.02%


论文:11948 占比:98.29%





  • 张德珠
  • 潘沈元
  • 熊谱成
  • 陈思行
  • 朱勇
  • 王岩
  • 蒋张林
  • 马广栓
  • 位兰
  • 俞美子
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 谢艳华; 张磊; 秦佳莹; 刘伯华; 卢炜华; 褚素乔
    • 摘要: 在养鸡行业中,养鸡场管理者对鸡的性别有严格的要求,例如商品蛋鸡要留雌雏、优质肉鸡因公母鸡苗价格差异大要分开销售等,所以一日龄雏鸡雌雄鉴定尤为重要。太行鸡养殖亦如此。现阶段太行鸡养殖还没有形成完善的自别雌雄配套系,只能采用人工翻肛鉴别的方法对雏鸡进行性别鉴定,而人工翻肛鉴别存在效率低、鉴别水平受人为因素影响大等问题.
    • 刘敏锋; 吴明煜; 吴长春; 吴昊宇; 柯文山
    • 摘要: 湖北钉螺(Oncomelania hupensis)是一种雌雄异体的腹足纲动物,作为日本血吸虫(Schistosoma japonicum)唯一的中间宿主,控制湖北钉螺是血吸虫病防治的关键环节,快速鉴别钉螺雌雄的方法可为血吸虫病的防治和科研工作提供理论依据.分别用室内鉴定、野外鉴别室内复查的方法,对湖北荆州钉螺进行了清洗、刺激、定位,观察等步骤,选取其头部和触角伸出的钉螺,用镊子夹住钉螺使其螺口朝左,整个螺体位倾斜向右,在奥林巴斯解剖显微镜观察钉螺头部与螺壳空隙.如果观察到有粉红色的阴茎,可以辨别为雄性钉螺,反之,则是雌性钉螺.湖北荆州钉螺在室内45 min内100只钉螺鉴别的正确率从5月份的92.60%到6月份的97.68%,最后7—8月的检测正确率达100%,平均每个钉螺被成功鉴别的时间大约在30 s之内完成.在室外60 min内100只钉螺鉴别的正确率达93.83%,平均每个钉螺被成功鉴别时间的大约在40 s内完成.此方法为快速、简单、准确辨别钉螺的雌雄提供有效的参考.
    • 康思洋
    • 摘要: 家禽的雌雄鉴别技术是现今家禽业生产不可缺少的一项重要技术,该技术的发展方向始终迎合市场需求,并同步于现代化家禽业规模化、标准化、集约化发展方向逐步改进和提高。现代家禽产业化飞速发展,使得家禽雌雄鉴别技术在生产中更加细化,有针对性的在原种禽场选择利用,尤其是及时对雏禽进行雌雄鉴别是不可或缺的,也是家禽专项培育、繁育和进一步利用的基础保障。初生雏禽鉴别雌雄可以合理安排留存比例,及早公母分开饲养可针对性饲喂家禽,这对生产经济核算和实际生产都具有重要性。
    • 康思洋
    • 摘要: 家禽的雌雄鉴别技术是现今家禽业生产不可缺少的一项重要技术,该技术的发展方向始终迎合市场需求,并同步于现代化家禽业规模化、标准化、集约化发展方向逐步改进和提高.现代家禽产业化飞速发展,使得家禽雌雄鉴别技术在生产中更加细化,有针对性的在原种禽场选择利用,尤其是及时对雏禽进行雌雄鉴别是不可或缺的,也是家禽专项培育、繁育和进一步利用的基础保障.初生雏禽鉴别雌雄可以合理安排留存比例,及早公母分开饲养可针对性饲喂家禽,这对生产经济核算和实际生产都具有重要性.
    • 徐森森
    • 摘要: 1.斑点叉尾鮰雌雄鉴别与繁殖习性斑点叉尾鮰的雌雄鉴别:雄鱼,头部到背部为深灰、稍偏灰黑;头部扁平,较雌鱼宽;腹部窄长;生殖器黑管状,末端尖细突出,类似乳头状,带红色;肛门不外露,略呈红色。雌鱼,体色深灰色;头部圆,吻部稍尖;腹部圆而饱满,成熟较好的可见卵巢轮廓,有弹性.
    • 王岩; 陶常诚; 李琪; 庞槐; 米凯玉; 孙冰婉玉; 宋关玲
    • 摘要: In order to explore the non-destructive methods for sex determination of the live pupae of Hepinlus altaicola Wang (Lepidoptera:Hepialidae),the body parameters of live pupae (including thorax width and length,abdomen width and length,body length,and body weight) of each sex were measured and data were analyzed using Student's t-test by GraphPad Prism 5 software.Meanwhile,the other external morphology characteristics on the sternites of male and female pupae were observed and compared to find the non-destructive methods for sex determination of the live pupae.The pupae were divided into two groups according to the morphological differences of the 8th and 9th abdominal sternites.The two groups of pupae were kept under laboratory conditions and were allowed to develop to the adult stage.The confirmation of the sex was carried out by inspection of the adult genitalia or pupal gonad.Though the female pupae are larger than male pupae,there were significant differences between males and females in the thorax width and length,abdomen width and length,body length and weight.But the ranges of above-mentioned body parameters in male and female showed broad overlap.So these differences between male and female pupae can not be used as reliable sex-related external markings.However,it was found that male and female pupae could be conclusively distinguished based on differences of the ventral parts on the 8th and 9th abdominal sternites.In female pupa,one extension of 9th abdominal sternite exists in the middle of the 8th abdominal sternite,the genital pore is located on the 8th abdominal sternite,and no round lump on each side of genital pore is existed;but in male,the extension is not seen,and the lump is obviously visible,meanwhile,the genital pore is located on the 8th abdominal sternite.In addition,the distance between the genital pore and the genus is longer in female than in male.Based on above mentioned characteristics,we explored non-destructive methods for sex determination of the live pupae of H.altaicola,and the discriminant accuracy of each method was 100%.These methods based on the differences of the sexual characteristics existed on the 8th and 9th abdominal sternites are non-destructive,accurate,reliable,simple and quickly learned.%通过观察阿尔泰蝠蛾雌雄蛹的外部形态结构,并测量其体征和体重数据,寻找可用于鉴别蛹性别的无损方法;再借助于解剖等方法鉴别蛹的确切性别,检测鉴别方法的准确性.结果显示,雌雄蛹在体征和体重数据的分布范围上有重叠,不能籍此区分其雌雄性.然而,雄蛹腹面第8腹节和第9腹节间分节明显,第9腹节未向第8腹节纵伸,生殖孔位于第9腹节上,生殖孔两侧各有一球形突起,生殖孔前缘与肛门前缘间的距离短于肛门的长度;雌蛹不具备以上特征.基于这些特征开发的鉴别阿尔泰蝠蛾蛹雌雄的方法,鉴别活蛹的准确率均为100%(n=180).该方法对活蛹无损伤、准确、可靠、简便易学.
    • 潘鹏亮; 史洪中; 尹新明
    • 摘要: 为了明确桃红颈天牛雌雄成虫之间的差异,利用图像处理技术和昆虫数学形态学手段,系统研究了雌雄成虫各形态学指标.结果表明,雌雄个体间在足间距和触角长度方面差异显著,而体长、前胸背板长和前胸背板宽等参数差异不显著.因此,个体大小(体长)不能单独作为区分其雌雄的参数.在成对性状比较上,桃红颈天牛左右鞘翅宽度在3个数据集(雌性、雄性和雌雄)中均存在显著差异,其他成对性状在不同数据集中的差异显著性不同.在参数比值上,桃红颈天牛雌雄成虫在鞘翅长/宽、触角各节/触角总长、前足腿节/前足长、中足各节/中足长等方面存在显著差异.此外,桃红颈天牛雌雄成虫身体两侧多个被测参数存在波动不对称性.因此,利用昆虫数学形态学技术可以区分桃红颈天牛雌雄成虫间的差异,并发现多个性状存在不对称性.%In order to clear the difference between female and male of peach longicorn beetle [Aromia bungii(Faldermann)] adults,morphological parameters of the beetle adults were obtained and analyzed by image processing techniques and insect mathematical morphology methods.The results indicated that the right-left-coxal cavity gaps and antenna length were significantly different between female and male adults,but not in terms of body length,pronotum length and width.Consequently,the individual size (body length) by oneself should not be the parameter in distinguishing female and male adults of the beetle.Significant differences emerged in the width of right and left elytra in three sets of data(female,male,female and male) by comparing paired characteristics,but the significance of other parameters was not same in different sets of data.In terms of parameter ratio,significant differences were found in such as elytra length/width,each segments/antenna length,pro-femur/propodium length,each parts/mesopodium length between two gender samples.In addition,many pairs of characteristics from female and male beetles hadfluctuating asymmetry in measured parameters.As a consequence,the difference between female and male adults of A.bungii can be distinguished by mathematical morphology,and the asymmetry of many parameters is found in this study.
    • 潘鹏亮; 刘红敏; 张方梅; 智亚楠; 尹健
    • 摘要: 随着计算机图像处理技术的发展,昆虫图像特征提取技术在昆虫分类学中的应用越来越广泛.相关的研究报道涉及到多种较大型昆虫和节肢动物,但对身体较小昆虫的外部形态特征提取与分析,及其雌雄鉴别方面的报道不多.本研究利用中国农业大学IPMist实验室开发的BugShape l.0对体型较小的4种网蝽科Tingidae昆虫成虫进行了外部形态特征的提取,分析了所得参数在其种类和雌雄方面的差异.结果表明,获得的10个参数在4种网蝽成虫中差异均有高度统计学意义.4种网蝽雌雄成虫在面积、等效圆半径、偏心率、球状性和圆形度5个参数方面的差异有高度统计学意义,初步认为可以作为区别这4种网蝽雌雄成虫的重要指标.判别分析证明,4种网蝽交叉判别的正确率高达98.5%,对种类和性别同时进行判别时,交叉判别的正确率为85.0%.利用重心法得到的聚类分析结果符合传统昆虫分类学的结果,同一属的菊方翅网蝽Corythucha marmorata和悬铃木方翅网蝽C.ciliata优先聚为一类,其他2种网蝽先后分别聚类.本研究利用图像处理与分析技术得到的参数适合对此类昆虫进行种类和性别的鉴定,初步表明该技术在此类害虫分类鉴定巾的科学性和可行性.%Along with the development of computer image processing techniques,the feature extraction of insect images was applied widely in the insect taxonomy.Although the published studies had reported the application of related techniques that on some relative large-sized insects and other arthropod species,little was conducted to analyze the external morphological features of small-sized insects and different gender samples.In this study,the external norphological parameters of 4 lace bug species were extracted using BugShape (vet.1.0) developed by IPMist Lab at the China Agricultural University,and then the morphological differences of inter-species and between male and female adults were analyzed.The result showed that 10 morphological parameters were significantly different anong the 4 adult species.Five paraneters (area,equivalent radius,eccentricity,sphericity and circularity) were considered as vital indicators for distinguishing the male and female adults in one species with highly significant difference.The result of canonical discriminant analysis indicated that the correct rate of cross-validation was 98.5% when only using species as the treatment,and was 85.0% when using species and genders as the treatments.Two lace bug species (Corythucha ciliata and C.marmorata) which belong to one genus (Corythucha) were clustered in the same group,and the others (Stephanitis nashi and Perissonemia borneenis) were clustered successively by the hierarchy cluster with the centroid method.The hierarchy cluster result was coincident with that of the traditional insect taxonomy.In conclusion,our study indicated that the basic method of feature measuring and extraction of shape features was very descriptive to the species and genders of these adult bugs,and thus denonstrated the scientificity and feasibility of this method to the classification and determination of these bugs.
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