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Build的相关文献在1995年到2021年内共计178篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、建筑科学、经济计划与管理 等领域,其中期刊论文176篇、专利文献2篇;相关期刊95种,包括中国医疗器械信息、新潮电子、软件等; Build的相关文献由115位作者贡献,包括王志军、Akel M.A.Taqz12、Amin Azimi等。



论文:176 占比:98.88%


论文:2 占比:1.12%





  • 王志军
  • Akel M.A.Taqz12
  • Amin Azimi
  • Celeste Brown
  • Gbadebo Owolabi
  • Grant Warner
  • Harold Adjarko
  • Harry H. Hilton
  • Hiob Ayerakwah
  • Hongbo Zhu
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 摘要: 在Build 2019开发者大会上,Winwos 10X首次和大众见面,这款系统类似于Windows 10,却又和Windows 10有着很多不同之处的操作系统在硬件创新不断的当下备受大众关注,然而,随着镜像文件的泄露,Windows 10X渐渐扯下了那神秘的面纱,这款系统真的会成为Windows 10的替代还是微软另有目标吗?它的出现,会另个人操作系统市场出现怎样的变化呢?
    • Hongbo Zhu
    • 摘要: With detailed analysis and research on biosafety,it is found that biosafety has an important role and occupies a key position in relation to universitiesJ laboratories.It is also one of the most important components of the safe construction and management of laboratories.At the same time,biosafety and life safety of teachers and students enable orderly and smooth teaching in which they are closely linked.If the biosafety of a university''s laboratory has problems,inevitably there would be huge threats to the university itself,teachers,and students.Hence,in order to ensure that laboratories are biologically safe,it is necessary to find out the existing problems,develop flawless solutions and strategies,establish reasonable laboratory safety systems,and strengthen the laboratory protection facilities.Hence,problems pertaining this issue would be properly solved.This article analyzes and studies the construction of a biosafety system in school laboratories for future references.
    • 朱勇洪
    • 摘要: EDKII作为当前最流行的UEFI开源实现,其编译工具性能的提升是非常关键也是值得研究的,同时编译过程的快慢也是衡量这一框架的重要指标.通过使用cProfile对EDKII Build工具编译时间进行分析,在Pre-build阶段和Post-build阶段进行源代码的修改,实现了通过比较编译模块Autogen相关文件时间戳是否改变的方式来提升增量编译的性能和多线程产生平台固件文件的方式来提升整体编译的性能,采用这两方面的改进,使得Build工具编译达到更高的效率.最后在OVMF和KabyLake平台的编译过程中对上述两个优化方案进行了检测验证.
    • 方舟1
    • 摘要: 在2018年举行的GREEN BUILD中国绿色建筑峰会的颁奖仪式上,广州国际金融中心、越秀金融大厦获得了 LEED EBOM (既有建筑运营管理)v4铂金级认证证书。这是目前广东省仅有的两个LEED v4铂金级认证项目。广州国际金融中心(西塔)也是全国第一个获得LEED v4铂金级认证的超高层建筑,而越秀金融大厦则以全球最高分97分的成绩荣膺LEED EBOM v4 铂金级认证。
    • 袁方
    • 摘要: 2019年8月14日,美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC)宣布美国前总统奥巴马以开幕主题演讲嘉宾的身份参加2019年在亚特兰大举行的Green Build大会。你也许不知道,奥巴马一直是LEED标准的支持者,他说自己从女儿Sasha和Malia那里了解到LEED,姐妹俩的学校取得了LEED钳金级认证。
    • 摘要: 2019年5月以来,Facebook F8、微软Build、Google I/O三大开发者大会陆续召开,时间上再次撞车的微软Build与Google I/O更成为全球科技粉关注的焦点,满满的黑科技技术与产品,不仅让巨头们秀出了自家实力,更有望引领未来科技发展趋势,而在微软突破万亿美元市值,谷歌财报让华尔街凉凉的档口,两大巨头的盛会能为大家带来哪些惊喜呢?
    • 陈徐毅(文/图)1
    • 摘要: 自从纳德拉提出“智能云、智能边缘”之后,微软的战略转型随之进入第二阶段。众所周知,有“巨象再起舞”之称的微软的转型一直为业界所津津乐道。这些年微软遍历了生产力、平台、移动、智能与计算的再造,其中Azure云作为新的业务增长极从幕后走到了台前,现如今已成为全线产品的支撑和财报上的中流砥柱。今年举行的微软Build 2019开发者大会验证了这一点,同时也阐述了微软未来转型中的愿景与机遇。
    • 摘要: 4月25H,青藤云安全发布了容器安全和大数据安全平台两款新产品。为了系统性解决容器安全问题,青藤云安全开发了新一代容器安全产品——蜂巢。该产品覆盖了容器使用过程中的Build、Ship和Rim三个阶段,涵盖镜像扫描、合规基线以及入侵检测三大核心功能。同时发布的还有大数据安全平台一青藤星池,该平台可用来记录攻击者在服务器上的行为,以便后续回溯、还原和取证。目前,青藤星池支持操作审计日志、网络连接日志、系统登录日志、账号变更日志、进程启动日志、DNS解析行为日志6种日志的记录。
    • Kemar Hibbert; Grant Warner; Celeste Brown; Olusegun Ajide; Gbadebo Owolabi; Amin Azimi
    • 摘要: In this paper, the effects of build parameters on the mechanical properties of 3D-printed acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) produced using fused deposition modeling (FDM) are investigated. Full factorial experimental design incorporating a 2-level, 3-factor design with raster angle, layer thickness and interior fill style was carried out. Tensile tests were performed at four different strain rates to determine how the build parameters influence the mechanical properties of the 3-D printed ABS and to assess its strain rate sensitivity under quasi-static loading. It was found that the modulus of toughness of ABS material is most influenced by raster angle, while the interior fill style is the most dominant build parameter that dictates the specimen’s modulus of resilience, yield strength and ultimate tensile strength. At all strain rates, it is further revealed that higher mean values of yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and modulus of resilience were obtained when the interior fill style is solid as opposed to high density. This can be attributed to the denser structure and higher effective cross-sectional area in solid interior fill style in comparison with high density interior fill style. However, the influence of the layer thickness on the investigated mechanical properties was found to be inconsistent. It was noted that specimens built with both 0.254 mm layer thickness and the cross [0°/90°] raster angle had superior mechanical properties when compared to those built with the 0.3302 mm layer thickness and cross [0°/90°] raster angle. This suggests that there is a key interaction between the layer thickness and the raster angle. At any FDM build parameter, it was found that all the mechanical properties investigated in this work exhibited modest sensitivity to strain rates. This study has provided a platform for an appropriate selection of build parameters combinations and strain rates for additive manufacturing of 3D-printed ABS with improved mechanical properties.
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