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De la Révolution française à l'école de la IIIe République : une captation d'héritage?



Laurence Bénichou, From the French Revolution to Education under the Third Republic : the Misuse of a Legacy ? This study tries to define the attitude of schoolteachers, members of trade unions between the two World Wars, towards the heritage of the French Revolution. The sources used are mainly trade union publications : La Revue de l'enseignement primaire supérieur and L'École émancipée which reflect the two major currents in the trade union movement, the reformist current and the radical one. The author analyses the legacy of 1789 as it was understood by these publications. France as the patrie of the Revolution which brought in a new era was one element ; moreover, the values of the Revolution were transferred to the struggles of the unions and to the discussions about education. "Liberty" was emphasized in discussions concerning the freedom of education or the rights of trade unions; "Equality" was the banner of the struggle for equal educational opportunities for all children. As for the pedagogical contents of teaching the Revolution, there was obviously a strong contrast between the reformist discourse and that of the radicals ; nevertheless, the concern for objectivity led to a certain amount of agreement ; the education of the Republic took on the legacy of the Revolution in order to establish its own legitimacy.
机译:劳伦斯·贝尼侯(LaurenceBénichou),从法国大革命到第三共和国的教育:遗产的滥用?这项研究试图确定作为两次世界大战之间工会成员的学校老师对法国大革命遗产的态度。所使用的资料来源主要是工会出版物:《国家革命报》和《共产主义》,它们反映了工会运动中的两个主要潮流,即改革派潮流和激进派。作者分析了这些出版物所理解的1789年遗产。法国作为革命的产物,带来了一个新的时代;此外,革命的价值观被转移到工会的斗争和有关教育的讨论中。在关于教育自由或工会权利的讨论中强调了“自由”; “平等”是争取所有儿童获得平等教育机会的旗帜。关于《革命》的教学内容,改革派话语与激进派话语之间显然存在强烈反差。然而,对客观性的关注导致了一定程度的共识;共和国的教育继承了革命的遗产,以确立自己的合法性。


  • 作者

    Laurence Benichou;

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  • 年度 1992
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  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 fre
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