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De grondmarkt in gebruik; Een studie over degrondmarkt, ten behoeve van MNP-beleidsonderzoek en grondgebruiksmodellering




Land use developments are to a large extent determined by the functioningof the land market. Therefore the land market influences the livingenvironment, nature and landscape. The price difference between urbanand rural land is very high in Holland, which causes considerablepressure on the land use planning process. Land price increases hamperthe realisation of nature and recreation plans, especially around urbanareas. From an analysis of land transactions it is concluded that theincrease in scale of farming businesses as well as the use of farmlandfor 'urban hobbies' will cause landscape changes. Real estate developersand investors are becoming more active in acquiring rural and urbanfringe land, while municipalities may well lack policy instruments andcapacity to motivate safeguarding of the physical environment. Regardingland use models, this study points to the need to incorporate land marketbehaviour in modelling rules. The study recommends some improvements forapplying the Land Use Scanner pricing mechanism.


  • 作者

    Regt WJ de;

  • 作者单位
  • 年度 2003
  • 总页数
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 nl
  • 中图分类


  • 外文文献
  • 中文文献
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