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Brightness variability in the white badge of the eagle owl Bubo bubo




The application of modern spectrometry to the study of avian colour variability has revealed ignored patterns of colour variation such as male-biased sexual dichromatism and seasonal variability in the plumage. However, the variation in the achromatic property of such traits, that is in the total light reflectance of the spectrum (i.e., brightness), has commonly been overlooked. The evolution of signals based on brightness should be favoured in those species that are active when light is scarce, i.e. at dawn and dusk. The eagle owl Bubo bubo is monogamous and apparently monomorphic in plumage-coloration. In this species, sexual and territorial call behaviour is mainly performed at dawn and dusk, during which a white patch on the throat is repeatedly exposed at each call. We measured the total light reflectance of the feathers of this badge in 39 eagle owl specimens from museum collections. We found seasonal variability and sexual dichromatism in the brightness of the plumage badge. The total reflectance of this trait peaked during the territorial-mating period. Moreover, females showed higher values of brightness than males, in agreement with the reversed body size dimorphism present in this and many other raptor species. Finally, female but not male body size was positively correlated with white badge reflectance. © Journal of Avian Biology.
机译:现代光谱学在禽类颜色变异性研究中的应用揭示了颜色变异的模式,例如男性偏向性二色性和羽毛中的季节变异性。然而,通常忽略了这些特性的消色差特性的变化,即光谱的总光反射率(即,亮度)的变化。对于那些在光线不足时(即黎明和黄昏)活跃的物种,应优先考虑基于亮度的信号演化。鹰Bu腹股沟腹股沟是一夫一妻制的,在羽毛颜色上显然是单态的。在该物种中,性和属地性行为主要发生在黎明和黄昏,在此期间,每次性行为反复暴露在喉咙上的白色斑块。我们测量了博物馆收藏的39头猫头鹰标本中该徽章羽毛的总光反射率。我们发现羽毛徽章的亮度存在季节性变化和性色差。该性状的总反射率在领土交配时期达到峰值。此外,雌性比雄性显示出更高的亮度值,这与该和许多其他猛禽物种中逆转的体型二态性相符。最后,女性而非男性的体型与白色胸章反射率呈正相关。 ©禽生物学杂志。



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