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Long-term monitoring of soil erosion and soil and water conservation in Afdeyu, Eritrea (1984-1998): Soil erosion and soil and water conservation database



Afdeyu is an Eritrean village located about 30 km north of the country’s capital, Asmara, in the highlands of Eritrea. In 1984, CDE established a research station in Afdeyu to study the effects of different traditional and introduced soil and water conservation (SWC) technologies on soil erosion. The initial approach focused on the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). Later on it was adapted according to the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). For over 20 years, CDE has been running the Afdeyu research station together with the Ministry of Agriculture. Collaboration continued with the Eritrean Ministry of Agriculture after the country became independent in 1991. At present, CDE is still supporting the research unit based on a comprehensive backstopping mandate. Several parameters, mainly biophysical, have been measured continuously ever since the research station came into operation. Part I of this report presents an overview of the research approach and methodology used, and describes how experiments were implemented. In addition, it traces programme adjustments through time and gives a problem-oriented critical review of the general social, political and economic conditions. Part II lists the collected data, indicating their availability status and problems encountered during collection and encoding. Information is structured in the following chapters: Soils; Climate; Land use and crop production; Soil erosion and water conservation on different plot levels; Social and economic data. Each chapter offers general analyses and results (mainly based on annual and monthly means) for all recorded parameters.
机译:阿夫德尤(Afdeyu)是厄立特里亚的一个村庄,位于厄立特里亚高地,在该国首都阿斯马拉(Asmara)以北约30公里处。 1984年,CDE在阿夫德尤(Afdeyu)建立了一个研究站,以研究不同的传统和引进的水土保持(SWC)技术对土壤侵蚀的影响。最初的方法集中在通用土壤流失方程(USLE)上。后来根据修订的通用土壤流失方程(RUSLE)进行了修改。 20多年来,CDE与农业部一起运营阿夫德尤研究站。 1991年厄立特里亚独立后,与厄立特里亚农业部的合作仍在继续。目前,CDE仍根据全面的支持任务为研究部门提供支持。自研究站投入运行以来,已经连续测量了几个参数,主要是生物物理参数。本报告的第一部分概述了所使用的研究方法和方法,并描述了如何实施实验。此外,它跟踪时间上的计划调整,并对总体社会,政治和经济状况进行针对问题的批判性审查。第二部分列出了收集的数据,指示了它们的可用性状态以及在收集和编码过程中遇到的问题。信息在以下章节中进行组织:土壤;气候;土地利用和作物生产;不同地块水平的水土流失和水资源保护;社会和经济数据。每章均提供所有记录参数的常规分析和结果(主要基于年度和月度平均值)。



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