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Historically Planned Economies: A Guide to the Data. 1993 Edition Featuring Economies of the Former Soviet Union

机译:历史计划经济体:数据指南。 1993年版以前苏联经济为特色



The Guide is divided into four parts. Part 1 introduces the systemic and statistical issues affecting Historically Planned Economies (HPE) data in global comparisons. Part 2, a global focus, provides, in a standard format, data tables on social and economic topics. The global tables show internationally comparable data by topic for intertemporal (benchmark years only) and cross-country analysis. Part 3, a country focus, explains and documents the differences between the national accounts conventions of the SNA and the MPS and draws attention to the problems of conversion of national data from local currencies to dollars. In Part 4, technical notes cover the basic data presented in Parts 1 to 3 and explain the standard sources and methods for compiling data, focusing on statistical approaches common to most HPEs.



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