首页> 美国政府科技报告 >An Evaluation of Collagen Metabolism in Non-Human Primates Associated with the Bion Space Program-Markers of Urinary Collagen Turnover and Muscle Tissue Collagen Types

An Evaluation of Collagen Metabolism in Non-Human Primates Associated with the Bion Space Program-Markers of Urinary Collagen Turnover and Muscle Tissue Collagen Types

机译:与Bion空间计划相关的非人灵长类动物胶原蛋白代谢评估 - 尿胶原蛋白周转和肌肉组织胶原蛋白类型标记



The purpose of this paper was to study the residual effects in a growing animal during recovery from a micro-gravity environment and to examine the effects of caging upon the growth and maturation of the tibia and humerus in order for recommendations to be made in the implementation of suitable housing modules for future spaceflight research.



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