首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Role of implantation damage in the production of silicon-on- insulator films by co-Implantation of He(sup +) and H(sup +)

Role of implantation damage in the production of silicon-on- insulator films by co-Implantation of He(sup +) and H(sup +)

机译:植入损伤在He(sup +)和H(sup +)共同注入生产绝缘体上硅薄膜中的作用



Recent work has demonstrated that the process of silicon thin film separation by hydrogen implantation, as well as the more basic phenomenon of surface blistering, can occur at a much lower total dose when H and He are co- implanted than when H is implanted alone. Building on that work, this paper investigates the role of implantation damage in this process by separating the contributions of gas pressure from those of damage. Three different experiments using co-implantation were designed. In the first of these experiments, H and He implants were spatially separated thereby separating the damage from each implant. The second experiment involved co-implantation of H and He at a temperature of 77 K to retain a larger amount of damage for the same gas dose. In the third experiment, Li was co-implanted with H, to create additional damage without introducing additional gas. These experiments together show that increasing the implantation damage itself hampers the formation of surface blisters, and that the increased efficiency observed for He co-implantation with H is due to the supplementary source of gas provided by the He.



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