首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Twin Screw Extruder Production of MTTP Decoy Flares SERDP WP-1240

Twin Screw Extruder Production of MTTP Decoy Flares SERDP WP-1240

机译:双螺杆挤出机生产mTTp诱饵火炬sERDp Wp-1240



The objective of this effort is to develop an environmentally acceptable decoy flare formulation and process to produce aircraft decoy flares without the use of HAP or Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). A continuous TSE will be used to compound magnesium, Teflon , and a TP binder into formulations (MTTP) for decoy flares that meet current MTV or MTH countermeasure product specifications. The process will significantly reduce the air pollution, personnel health hazard, loss of life through solvent fires, and hazardous waste production associated with MTV or MTH production. During the first phase of this program, a suitable formulation is to be identified as well as a solvent-free process involving the TSE to produce it. Thermoplastic binders have the advantage that they can be processed in the TSE without the use of solvents. Elimination of HAPs and VOCs from the process will meet the environmental goal of this program. The methodology to develop an environmentally acceptable formulation and process.



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