首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Critical Angles and Grazing Incidence: The Breakdown of Regular Shock Reflection in Solids

Critical Angles and Grazing Incidence: The Breakdown of Regular Shock Reflection in Solids




The regular pattern for shock reflection in a nonlinear hyperelastic solid is a centered array of shocks and simple wave fans. As the angle of incidence approaches grazing incidence or a critical angle, the reflection pattern overtakes the incident wave until finally the regular pattern can no longer be sustained. By expanding the reflection solution in powers of ampliture about the linear reflection solution, it is possible to develop a procedure to solve the reflection problem for weak but finite shocks for any material symmetry. Explicit solutions can be exhibited for isotrophic materials, including relationships between amplitude and limiting angle for various boundary conditions and incident waves. Some problems require consideration of a nonlinear boundary condition even in the first approximation. Typically, these cases lead to considerable amplification in the leading reflected wave. (Author)



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