首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Design of an Instructional Strategy to Teach Visualization in an AdvectionContext in Intelligent Computer-Assisted Instruction

Design of an Instructional Strategy to Teach Visualization in an AdvectionContext in Intelligent Computer-Assisted Instruction




This document contains the domain-independent instructional strategy to teach acognitive strategy and its associated instantiation for a visualization strategy in the domain of weather. Further, rules and implementation suggestions are provided to support a design for an implementation of an intelligent computer-assisted instruction (ICAI) program to teach approximately an hour of the domain of advection. Advection is the process that transports atmospheric properties (e.g., temperature) by the wind. Advection is usually used to describe large-scale horizontal movement in the atmosphere. The vertical motions of the atmosphere can be inferred by finding the proper advection patterns. Ultimately, it is the vertical motions in the atmosphere that produce the changes in weather.



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