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Computer-Assisted Library Instruction and Face-to-Face Library Instruction Prove Equally Effective for Teaching Basic Library Skills in Academic Libraries




A review of: Zhang, Li, Watson, Erin M. and Banfield, Laura. "The Efficacy of Computer-Assisted Instruction Versus Face-to-Face Instruction in Academic Libraries: A Systematic Review." The Journal of Academic Librarianship 33.4 (July 2007): 478-484. Objective – To conduct a systematic review of several studies comparing the efficacy of face-to-face versus computer-assisted instruction (CAI) for teaching basic library skills to patrons of academic libraries. Design – Systematic review of existing studies (randomised controlled trials and controlled trials). Setting - College and university libraries Subjects – The subjects studied were patrons of any type of academic library, whether university, college, or other post-secondary institution, receiving instruction in basic library skills. Ten studies were included in the review, of which seven were done in the United States, two in Australia, and one in Canada. The total number of subjects in all of the studies under review was 1283. Nine of the studies focused on undergraduates enrolled in specific courses (undergraduate courses ranging widely in subject area, or in one case a first year experience program); the other study focused on library instruction methods taught to students in a graduate research methods course, yet the study was still intended to measure the efficacy of library instruction methods, yet the study was still intended to measure the efficacy of library instruction methods. Methods – One included study was a randomised controlled trial; the other nine were controlled trials. The date range under consideration was for studies done between 1990 and 2005. All original studies were required to compare the efficacy of face-to-face versus CAI instruction. Both information skills and students’ reactions to receiving the instruction were considered. To identify appropriate studies, searches were done across the following library and education-related databases: LISA, ERIC, and Library Literature. The authors screened the 728 unique studies’ bibliographic information for relevance against four criteria: studies had to be of a particular type of design (randomised controlled trials, controlled trials, cohort studies, and case studies), with a sample size greater than one and with pre- and post-test measurements; study participants had to be academic library patrons; the study needed to compare CAI and face-to-face instruction; and both the students’ information skills and reactions to the instruction had to be measured. This left 40 unique studies, which were then retrieved in full text. Next, studies were selected to meet the inclusion criteria further using the QUOROM format, a reporting structure used for improving the quality of reports of meta-analyses of randomised trials (Moher, David et al 1896 - 1900). Evaluation of methodological quality was then done using a dual method: authors Watson and Zhang assessed the studies independently, each using the “Checklist for Study Quality” developed by Downs and Black (Downs, Sara H. and Black, Nick 377-384), adapted slightly to remove non-relevant questions. After analysis, when additional information was needed, original study authors were contacted. Finally, ten studies were included in the analysis. The instruction sessions covered many topics, such as catalog use, reading citations, awareness of library services and collections, basic searching of bibliographic databases, and more. But all could qualify as basic, rather than advanced, library instruction. All studies did pre- and post-tests of students’ skills – some immediately after instruction, and others with a time lapse of up to six weeks. Most authors created their own tests, though one adapted an existing scale. Individual performance improvement was not studied in many cases due to privacy concerns. Main Results - Nine of the ten studies found CAI and face-to-face instruction equally effective; the tenth study found face-to-face instruction more effective. The students’ reaction to instruction methods varied – some students felt more satisfied with face-to-face instruction and felt that they learned better, while other studies found that students receiving CAI felt more confident. Some found no difference in confidence. It was impossible to carry out a meta-analysis of the studies, as the skills taught, methods used, and evaluation tools in each case varied widely, and the data provided by the ten studies lacked sufficient detail to allow meta-analysis. As well, there were major methodological differences in the studies – some studies allowed participants the opportunities for hands-on practice; others did not. The CAI tutorials also varied – some were clearly interactive, and in other studies, it was not certain that the tutorial allowed for interactivity. The authors of the systematic review identified possible problems with the selected studies as well. All studies were evaluated according to four criteria on the modified Downs-Black s
机译:评论如下:张莉,沃森,艾琳·M和劳拉·班菲尔德。 “在大学图书馆中计算机辅助教学与面对面教学的功效:系统综述。” Journal of Academic Librarianship 33.4(2007年7月):478-484。目的–对几项研究进行系统评价,比较面对面与计算机辅助教学(CAI)在向大学图书馆的读者教授基本图书馆技能方面的功效。设计–现有研究的系统评价(随机对照试验和对照试验)。设置-高校图书馆的科目–研究的科目是任何类型的学术图书馆的赞助人,无论是大学,学院还是其他专上院校,都接受基本的图书馆技能指导。该评价包括十项研究,其中七项在美国完成,两项在澳大利亚完成,一项在加拿大完成。在所有接受研究的研究中,科目的总数为1283。其中有9项研究针对的是就读特定课程的本科生(本科生课程广泛,涉及学科领域,或者在某些情况下为第一年的经验课程);另一项研究侧重于研究生研究方法课程中教给学生的图书馆教学方法,但该研究仍旨在衡量图书馆教学方法的功效,而该研究仍旨在衡量图书馆教学方法的功效。方法–一项纳入研究的是随机对照试验;其他九项为对照试验。所考虑的日期范围是针对1990年至2005年之间进行的研究。所有原始研究都必须比较面对面教学与CAI教学的功效。信息技能和学生对接受指导的反应都被考虑了。为了确定适当的研究,对以下图书馆和与教育有关的数据库进行了搜索:LISA,ERIC和图书馆文献。作者筛选了728项独特研究的书目信息,以查找与以下四个标准的相关性:研究必须为特定类型的设计(随机对照试验,对照试验,队列研究和案例研究),且样本量大于1,且进行测试前和测试后的测量;研究参与者必须是大学图书馆的赞助人;该研究需要比较CAI和面对面的教学;而且学生的信息技能和对指导的反应都必须进行衡量。这留下了40个独特的研究,然后全文检索。接下来,选择使用QUOROM格式进一步满足入选标准的研究,该报告结构用于提高随机试验的荟萃分析报告的质量(Moher,David et al。1896-1900)。然后,采用双重方法对方法学质量进行评估:作者沃森(Watson)和张(Zhang)使用唐斯和布莱克(Downs and Black(Downs,Sara H. and Black,Nick 377-384)开发的“研究质量清单”)独立评估了研究,略加修改以删除无关的问题。经过分析,当需要其他信息时,请联系原始研究作者。最后,十项研究被纳入分析。指导课程涵盖了许多主题,例如目录使用,阅读引文,对图书馆服务和馆藏的认识,书目数据库的基本搜索等等。但是所有这些都可以被视为基本的而不是高级的库指令。所有研究都对学生的技能进行了前测和后测-有些是在授课后立即进行的,而另一些则可能需要长达6周的时间。大多数作者创建了自己的测试,尽管其中一种测试采用了现有的量表。由于隐私问题,很多情况下没有研究个人绩效的提高。主要结果-十项研究中有九项发现CAI和面对面的指导同样有效;第十项研究发现面对面的指导更为有效。学生对教学方法的反应各不相同–有些学生对面对面的教学感到更满意,并觉得自己学得更好,而另一些研究则发现接受CAI的学生感到更加自信。有些人没有信心上的差异。进行研究的荟萃分析是不可能的,因为每种情况下所教授的技能,所使用的方法和评估工具相差很大,并且十项研究提供的数据缺乏足够的细节来进行荟萃分析。同样,研究中在方法上也存在重大差异–一些研究为参与者提供了动手实践的机会;其他人没有。 CAI教程也各不相同-有些显然是交互式的,而在其他研究中,不确定该教程是否允许交互性。系统评价的作者还确定了所选研究的可能问题。所有研究均根据修改后的Downs-Black s的四个标准进行评估



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