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Using a PC and external media to quantitatively investigate electromagnetic induction


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In this article we describe an experimental learning path about electromagnetic induction which uses an Atwood machine where one of the two hanging bodies is a cylindrical magnet falling through a plexiglass guide, surrounded either by a coil or by a copper pipe. The first configuration (magnet falling across a coil) allows students to quantitatively study the Faraday-Neumann-Lenz law, while the second configuration (falling through a copper pipe) permits learners to investigate the complex phenomena of induction by quantifying the amount of electric power dissipated through the pipe as a result of Foucault eddy currents, when the magnet travels through the pipe. The magnet's fall acceleration can be set by adjusting the counterweight of the Atwood machine so that both the kinematic quantities associated with it and the electromotive force induced within the coil are continuously and quantitatively monitored (respectively, by a common personal computer (PC) equipped with a webcam and by freely available software that makes it possible to use the audio card to convert the PC into an oscilloscope). Measurements carried out when the various experimental parameters are changed provide a useful framework for a thorough understanding and clarification of the conceptual nodes related to electromagnetic induction. The proposed learning path is under evaluation in various high schools participating in the project 'Lauree Scientifiche' promoted by the Italian Department of Education.
机译:在本文中,我们描述了一种有关电磁感应的实验性学习路径,该路径使用Atwood机器,其中两个悬吊物体之一是一个圆柱形磁铁,该磁铁通过有机玻璃导管掉落,并被线圈或铜管包围。第一种配置(磁铁落在线圈上)使学生能够定量研究法拉第-纽曼-伦茨定律,而第二种配置(落入铜管)使学习者可以通过量化电功率来研究复杂的感应现象。当磁体穿过管道时,由于福柯涡流的影响,管道中的热量会消散。可以通过调整Atwood机器的配重来设置磁体的坠落加速度,以使与之相关的运动量和线圈内感应的电动势都得到连续且定量的监控(分别通过配备有该设备的通用个人计算机(PC)网络摄像头和免费软件,可以使用声卡将PC转换为示波器)。更改各种实验参数时进行的测量为深入了解和阐明与电磁感应有关的概念节点提供了有用的框架。参与由意大利教育部发起的“ Lauree Scientifiche”项目的各高中正在评估拟议的学习路径。



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