首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacopsychiatry >Pre-treatment EEG and it's relationship to depression severity and paroxetine treatment outcome.

Pre-treatment EEG and it's relationship to depression severity and paroxetine treatment outcome.


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An array of variables have been assessed as potential early predictors of antidepressant response in depressed patients. This exploratory study examined the relationship of clinical outcome, following pharmacotherapeutic treatment, with quantitative electroencephalographic (EEG) features assessed prior to treatment onset. In 70 major affective disorder patients, pre-treatment spectrum-analysed topographic EEG indices (absolute power, relative power, mean frequency, inter-hemispheric power asymmetry and coherence for 4 frequency bands) were assessed in relation to baseline HAM-D ratings and HAM-D rating changes following 6 weeks of open-label paroxetine treatment. EEG slow wave (theta) activities were positively correlated with depression ratings prior to treatment. Of the patients (n = 51) completing treatment, 80% evidenced a >50% reduction in HAM-D ratings. Improved rating changes in general were found to be negatively related to slow (delta and theta) wave activity and positively related to fast (beta) activity at frontal recording sites. Findings are discussed in relation to the neurochemistry and neurobiology of depressive disorders.
机译:已经评估了一系列变量作为抑郁症患者抗抑郁反应的潜​​在早期预测指标。这项探索性研究检查了药物治疗后临床结局与发作前评估的定量脑电图(EEG)功能之间的关系。在70名主要情感障碍患者中,评估了与基线HAM-D评分和HAM相关的治疗前频谱分析的地形EEG指数(绝对功率,相对功率,平均频率,半球间功率不对称和4个频段的相干性)在开放标签的帕罗西汀治疗6周后,-D评分发生变化。治疗前脑电图慢波(θ)活动与抑郁等级呈正相关。在完成治疗的患者(n = 51)中,有80%的患者HAM-D评分降低了> 50%。通常,改善的评级变化与额叶记录部位的慢(δ和θ)波活动负相关,而与快(β)活动正相关。讨论了与抑郁症的神经化学和神经生物学有关的发现。



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